14: Two Punches, One Kick

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^^ Robin & Stacey ^^

The atmosphere is completely different this time, and I'm not sure if it's just that the crowd seems more hyped up, or that we know what we're walking into now. Either way, as Stacey and I share a look when we approach the crowded alleyway, we both wear matching grins. I'm about to start searching the area for Liam and Adam, but before I can, a body appears in front of me, making me stop suddenly.

"Ladies! You're here with Liam, right?"

It takes me a second before I realise it's Rafi, and I only recognise him because he's giving Stacey the same hungry look that he did last time. This time, however, she isn't oblivious to it, and she practically mirrors it with the way she looks at him. I raise an eyebrow in amusement before clearing my throat and nodding.

"Yeah, do you know where he is?" I ask, smirking as he tears his eyes away from Stacey's cleavage.

"Of course. Follow me," he says with a wink, and I hook my arm around Stacey's as we do just that.

"Was he this hot last time?" she murmurs in my ear, and I laugh, nodding.

"And this time you're single," I say, giving her an exaggerated wink, before turning to look over to where Rafi has joined Adam and Liam.

Liam nods in our direction briefly before saying something to Adam and turning to walk away from us with Rafi. As Adam approaches us, he looks me up and down and I find myself doing the same to him. He wears dark jeans with a light blue shirt. The top few buttons are left open, and the sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. He looks hot, and when I realise that I can kiss him whenever I want to now, my stomach does a weird little flip thing. He stands in front of me, and I'm ecstatic to realise that my head now reaches his nose thanks to the heels I wear. I only have to tilt my head slightly to place my lips on his, and I ignore Stacey's noises of disgust as he pulls me closer with a hand on my lower back.

"You look incredible," he murmurs as he pulls back, and I can't fight the wide grin that spreads across my face.

"Thank you," I say, stepping back and looking at Liam as he approaches us again with Rafi. He nods at me again but I can tell his focus is completely on the platform in front of us. "Hey. You ready for this?" I ask, grinning when he chuckles and nods.

"Of course he is, he was born ready for this!" Rafi says, and I laugh when I see that he only manages to tear his gaze away from Stacey's ass long enough to speak before his eyes go straight back to it. He nods towards where she stands in front of Adam before speaking again. "Are they always like this?"

I follow his gaze and chuckle as I see Stacey trying to straighten Adam's hair out, while one hand clings on to his collar to stop him pulling away, no matter how hard he tries. I nod and look back at Rafi. "Yep, constantly."

"He's her cousin, right?" He asks, and I look at him with a grin.

"Yeah. Why?"

He shrugs and looks away to where Liam is pulling his shirt off and draping a towel over his shoulder. "Just wondered."

I nod again. "Mmhmm. She's his cousin. And, you know, she's recently single."

He turns to me with wide eyes, grinning when I wink at him, but before he can reply, Liam is called to the platform by the announcer. He pulls me by my arm to a space where we can see more clearly, and I feel Stacey grab my hand and squeeze. We watch as Liam bounces on the balls of his feet, before bumping fists with his opponent. And then my stomach drops and I feel sick. His opponent is a giant. He towers over Liam by inches, and his shoulders look as wide as I am tall. His muscles bulge with every movement, and his bald head looks huge in the glare from the floodlights. I turn to look at Stacey with wide eyes and see her expression matching mine.

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