15: A Total Bitch

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^^ Lenni ^^

The crashing of a pan wakes me up before the sun is even up, and it takes me a few minutes to realise what I'm hearing. I reach over to my bedside for my phone and groan loudly when I realise it's only four a.m. When I open my bedroom door, I whine as the light temporarily blinds me, causing me to stub my toe on the doorframe.

"Robin?" I hear Lenni call quietly.

"Yeah. What the hell are you doing?" I ask.

She pauses and I enter the kitchen to find her holding a frying pan, looking guilty. "Making bacon sandwiches."

"At four a.m.?" I ask, slumping in one of the chairs and frowning up at her.

She shrugs and grabs the bacon from the fridge. "I was hungry. Want one?" She grins at me and I pause.

"Sure," I say, chuckling when she pumps her fist in the air. I watch her as she moves around the kitchen, obviously making no effort to be quiet at all. I have no idea how Smiler can sleep through the racket she's making.

"I'm sorry," she says, and my half-asleep brain takes a moment to realise she's talking about our argument last night. "I never should've lied to you. I got so wrapped up in trying to protect you from everything, that I forgot how good you are at dealing with all of this."

Her back is facing me as she fries the bacon, but I can see the tension in her shoulders. "I'm not gonna go off the deep end at every little thing. I know things happen, I know the guys and the club. There's no point hiding any of it."

She sighs and nods, but still doesn't turn to face me. "I know. I keep expecting you to lose your shit like I would, but you're so much more level-headed than me, and I need to remember that. I really am sorry. I promise I won't lie to you again."

"Okay," I say, smiling slightly when she finally looks at me.

"Okay?" she asks, looking suspicious.

"Yep. As soon as you pass me my sandwich, you're forgiven."

She chuckles and puts the food on plates before joining me at the table and sliding one across to me. "You know, that was our first ever fight," she says before taking a bite of her sandwich.

I pause and tilt my head, thinking back. "Huh. I'm surprised we lasted this long."

She snorts and nods. "Me too."

"What the fuck?" We both jump as we hear Smiler from the kitchen doorway. He's squinting in the light and looking between us and the food. "What are you doing?"

"Eating," Lenni says, pointing at the table.

"The sun's not even fucking up yet," he complains.

She looks at me and shrugs, finishing her last bite of sandwich before looking back up at him. "We were hungry."

"You're both fucking crazy." He shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair, watching Lenni as she puts her plate in the sink and turns to him with a grin.

"Okay, grumpy. Come on, back to bed." She winks at me on the way past as she puts her hands on his shoulders and guides him back to their bedroom, shushing his grumbling the whole way.

I shake my head and brush the crumbs off my fingers, catching them on the plate. They might irritate the hell out of me some days, but it's moments like this that remind me how lucky I am to have them both in my life.


"Are you ever going to answer that?" Lenni asks, motioning to my phone with her chin.

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