Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Mason Erwan Ashmore

My dad called me about meeting me in his apartment, so here I am, preparing myself for the lectures and some scolding. I'm used to it. My father has always been like that, when he wants something, he'd push you to your limit. To be really honest, I'm afraid of my father though I know I can fight. But I'm not ready to be alone... yet. I'm not ready to face the world with my own self.

I brush my hair back because it's always hanging in front of my eyes, although some girls love it, I hate it. It feels like I can't see clearly. After I comb my hair, I once check myself in the mirror to see if I look good enough because, probably, I'd meet some hot girls whilst walking. I get out of my apartment and head to my father's. We have our own apartments. Technically, my father owns this condominium I've been living, but I really don't care. He can mind his shits. The sun decides to be cool enough to let the big gush of wind hover us and feel its coldness. I wonder what we would talk about. Business. It's always like that. My father only talks to me if it involves business because he only cares about his freaking money.

Fifteen minutes has passed and I'm in front of my father's apartment's door, deciding if I should knock or just stand there like a moron. Mom has said something about the plans for my future. I don't even have a clue about it. But I'm pretty sure it's bad and I won't be liking it. I decide to knock if I want to get this done early and so I wouldn't have to go through his shits. When I knock, the door swings open, revealing my grinning dad. Oh, I hate his grin. I just want to punch him with all my might, or better, shoot him using a shotgun with all my heart. I know I'm being mean and a dick, but can you blame me?

My dad frowns and steps aside so I can come inside of his apartment. As much as I want to leave and just ignore him, I just can't. Mom would be too hurt and I don't want that. She's been nothing but nice and lovely and caring. I love her to death. My mom is sitting on a chair with a smile plastered across her beautiful face, and I can't help but to smile back. She's so beautiful and you'd think she's a stress free but no. Dad clears his throat and wants this done once and for all. I'm not going to argue back because I just want to walk away and bring my mom with me.

"We need to tell you something. It's important." Dad starts, there's a hint of stress in his eyes and I mentally smirk, enjoying the sight of my father's worryness.

"Obviously," I mumble and dad shoots me an evil glare. Ha, as if I'm scared of it. Hello, that isn't working. The last time I was scared when he shot me an evil glare was when I was 11 years old because he beat me to almost death. I cried and cried that day, but when I heard mom's voice, everything went back to normal. Then I started standing up on my own because I really had—have—to fight for myself. Although, I'm still scared but not totally.

I sigh of frustration escapes from my mouth. Mom gives me an approving smile and that's all it takes to give me some confidence about this. My mom is always quiet but always caring. She doesn't speak much but when she does, there's a venom in it. But mom is afraid of dad, so am I. They fight sometimes and mom uses verbal but it still gets on dad's nerves. Dad takes a step backward and studies me as if there's something wrong. Which I don't doubt. Because dad is always complicated and hard to read. There's always a problem. "Well, first, you know that you'll be the CEO of the company when I retire, right?"

I nod.

Dad continues, "Second, you know there's a big problem that our company is facing." I nod again. The company is loosing its money and the people or investors are losing interest. So dad has been stressing himself. As always. I'm glad that he's doing it to himself. "Well, I have a new solution. My best friend, Mr. Paris, has offered me a money to lend. But, clearly, the investors don't like it and I have no idea why. So, Rob suggested a new idea and I completely agree to it."

Why is he telling me this? Why do I feel like there's a bad thing to this? I'm having some conclusions running on my head and some of them make sense. Especially the main conclusion. But I wish it's not it, because if it is, then I'm dead. Well, not literally, but hey, Kitty is my best friend! I grit my teeth, bracing myself for this. Although, I'm expecting it. It still shocks me.

"You and Kitty are getting married in a month."

My jaw hangs open, staring at dad with so much hatred. He has taken my freedom, but to love somone, he's taking it too. Not to mention I'd never meet my soul mate or someone real. "What?!"

Mom walks towards me, placing a hand on my shoulder and I immediately calm down. Mom has that effect on me. It calms me down when she's near me or just hearing her voice makes me relax. The only one who has an opposite power is my dad, who is glaring at me with so much hatred and disappointment. Hell, I don't even want him. I wish he was dead. I gulp. I'm on the verge of crying but I don't want mom to see I'm crying because that just so wrong. I want to shout and kill dad right now. Mom gives me a worry look, and she hugs me. This can't be happening. Kitty Paris, my freaking best friend, will marry his best friend, which is me.

This can be happening. The wedding will happen in a month. And I need to adjust on this life, because in a month, my relationship status will change. I treat Kitty like my own sister and I know this will be a lot awkward between us. Because we're practically brother and sister. This is incest! The though of marrying my best friend makes me go dizzy and uncomfortable. Not that I don't like her. Well, I like her, but in a sisterly way. And she's hot and smart and caring. Probably, most of the guys drool over her but not me. Because I don't like her, like, like her. If that does make sense.

Mom hugs me tightly and mumbles a 'I'm sorry', barely loud enough for me to hear. I'm still in shocked because, let's admit, you'll marry your since birth best friend. Not to really so mention that you don't have feelings for her. I wonder if she already knows. As if mom reads my mind, she says Kitty already knows about this 'business marriage'. Then I take a look at dad and sigh again. There's no point in arguing because I'd be just so pissed. I get out of his condominium whilst deciding if I should talk to Kitty about this.

So that's why his father texted her this morning, I think.

The sun is going down, revealing some orangey sky. There are some visible stars scattered around, and it gives a perfect timing on this weather. Windy and not hot. A half moon is revealing itself as the sun continues to go down. I sigh, inhaling some city air. I jog towards Serendra, deciding that I'll talk to Kitty later. I slump myself on one of the seats of Starbucks and just stare at the sky. This news is the worse I've ever heard in my whole life. This can't be happening. Yet, it can be happening. And it's going to happen in a month. I'll no longer be a single man.

Without any second thoughts, my feet move on its own and head for Kitty's apartment. I just know she's there. Because she's not a type of girl who parties and gets out pretty much. I know Kitty very well. Maybe we could rebel against our fathers and we'd be free. The advantage of it is, we'd have freedom. Yeah. Seems like a plan. I punch the 15th floor button and wait for the elevator to go up. Finally, after what seems like an hour for me, the elevator dings and I quickly head out of it and go to Kitty's apartment. Once I'm in front of it, I'm pretty sure I've heard some chuckling. I type Kitty's password and the door opens. Yes, I know all of her passwords. Even her phone's password, Facebook password, Tumblr password, Twitter password and Pin It! password.

The moment I'm in the living room, I quickly hide as I see that guy, Liam. What is he doing here? I mentally scold myself. Clearly, they're having a perfect night. But it makes me sick. I thought Kitty knows about our marriage. Then why is she with this guy? Argh, this girl is really something. I hear some chuckling and I eavesdrop. I know it's bad because mom always says it to me that eavesdropping is bad. But curiosity wins, I guess.


"I knew it! I knew it! I knew you liked the kiss—" Woah. They kissed? Fuck. Well, that's really something. Shit. There's a knot forming inside my stomach and I clench my fist, causing my knuckles to turn white. What the hell? "—we've shared. Well, I liked it, too, Kitty. Kitty, I have a confession to tell. Actually, when I first met you yesterday, I knew that I'm interested in you. God. I like you, Kitty. And when you kissed me back, I had this stupid conclusion that you like me back. Isn't it stupid? Whatever. Anyway, I like you, Kitty! You know, I really like you, Kitty. God, I'm sounding like a girl." Shit. Fuck. Moron. Stupid. Bitch. All of the curses, I want to it spit on Liam's face. Hell, the worst is, they kissed! Kitty said she hasn't had her first kiss yet and was saving it for someone. And now, her lips are no longer a virgin! I just want to punch the hell out of Liam right now. "Kitty?" I place my ear again. Wanting to hear what that idiot's going to say.

I hear Kitty hums and it sends a cool feeling in my ears. I just shrug it off and continue on eavesdropping. The thought of them kissing makes me sick. It makes me mad and angry. Does Kitty have a feeling towards this idiot? And it's not slipping on my mind. It's like it's stamped on my brain. Argh.

Liam is practically shaking, and it seems he's really nervous. Though I don't know why. But I must admit, I am enjoying seeing him getting nervous. Yeah, he's losing his confidence. That's a complete turn off. Ha, good thing. "Can I kiss you again?" What? Did I just hear it right? Fuck, no! It can't be happening. Anger takes over my body and I can't take it anymore. I barge into the living room, stomping with all my might. Kitty gasps and Liam just rolls his eyes.

Just fucking strangle him inside your head. That way, you'd have your mini revenge, I think.

But it isn't working. Anger is covering my body and I glare at Liam. Then turn to Kitty. "What the hell?!" I shout. I don't want them kissing. I don't want him placing his lips against Kitty's. I don't want Kitty getting kissed by anywhore. I just don't! "Get the fuck out of here, Liam!" I groan, frustating myself even more.

Liam doesn't move. Instead, he raises his eyebrow at me. Ha, you want a fucking fight. Then I'll give you one. I run towards him and grab his collar. Hatred flashing through my eyes. He pushes me, and I nearly stumble. That's it. I form a fist, raise it, and punch him straight on the face. "Dude! What's wrong with you?" Liam whines. Kitty gasps in shock. She quickly kneels beside Liam and checks Liam's cheek. Then she turns to me and shots me a dark glare. Woah, the last time she was mad at me when we were 15 years old where I took her ice cream at her. She's pretty pissed. But I am pissed, too.

"What's wrong with you?" Kitty demands, still glaring at me. For a moment, I find it hot but when she shouts again, it disappears. "What the hell has gotten into you?"

"What's wrong with you?" I counter, that makes her even mad and she kneels beside Liam and whispers something. I jeer. What is she whispering for? She's not telling him her NASA codes, is she? Then Liam stands up and shots me an evil glare. I make a face and Kitty puts his arm inside his and walks him towards the door. My eyes are still on them, observing what would happen next and what that guy would do. Addition to my irritation, he kisses Kitty on her cheek and meets my gaze. If my eyes were some type of nuclear, he'd be in heaven by now. He smirks and cups Kitty's face with his hands. Oh no, he's not going to kiss her again, is he? Fuck, shit. No, I trudge there and Liam places his lips against Kitty, and Kitty moans. What the fuck? I run towards them and push Liam away from Kitty and grab Kitty's wrist and tugs it so she'd step backward. As she does, I shut the door with a loud thud. "What was that moan for?!"

"It's none of your business!"

"It fucking is!"

"It's not!"

"It fucking is because we're fucking getting fucking married in a fucking month!" I shout and that makes her stop. She opens her mouth but nothing comes out. Then she gulps. There's a pang of guilt hitting my stomach, and I feel guilty now for shouting her. I acted like a jelous boyfriend. Yeah. I admit, I felt some jelousy stirring inside my stomach, that's why I acted that way. Although, I don't know why I was—still am—jealous. She puts a blank expression. That's what I hate about Kitty. She puts a blank expression, and putting a goddamn wall around her so nobody could read what on her mind is and what she's feeling towards the situation. I hate that. I really do. But I can't do something because she's always like that.

I bite my lips and her eyes flicker at it for a moment. But then quickly look away. She blushes but I choose to ignore it. She doesn't like me. Well, I like her to like me instead of Liam. Because that guy is so ungentleman. I hate him. Wait... did she blush because she remembered their kiss? Oh, fuck no. Please be a no. I look at Kitty again and see that there's a tint of pink on her both cheeks. Oh God.

She bites her lips and I stare at it for a moment, then she blushes again. "What are you blushing for?" I ask her, arching an eyebrow at her.

"Nothing," she mumbles. I roll my eyes at her, not bothering the shade of pink that is filling up her rosy cheeks. For a minute, I see her as Kitty Paris and not my best friend. Oh shit. This isn't good. I discharge the feeling I'm feeling right now. Ignore it like it's nothing.

I take a deep, long breath and sit down beside her. Then I clasp her hand with mine, and suddenly, I jerk it away because I felt something that wasn't there before when I touch Kitty's hand. She looks at me, arching an eyebrow. "Sorry. Look, Kitty, I really am sorry. I didn't mean to punch him." Because I really love to punch him again and again and again and again until his face bleeds. "Dad talked to me about this marriage, I was really mad. And I guess, accidentally, Liam was here so I let my anger out on him by punching him. Plus, he's really pissing me off." Lies. I was mad. But I wasn't mad when I got here. I only got mad because that bitch was kissing Kitty. My future wife. Although, at the last part, it's completely true. No doubt about that.

My future wife.

That sounds wrong yet it so sounds right. Shit. What is happening to me? Besides, I don't even like her. She's just my best friend. But I'm glad that I'll be married to her so that guy, Liam, won't stand a chance. Yeah. Yeah. I'm evil. She nods and looks away, then she stands up and stretches her hands up. Her top goes up as she stretches her hands, and it reveals a piece of meat. Her bare stomach is showing and I quickly look away. I feel a blush covering my face. Why am I even blushing? I've seen her in her underwear but I didn't blush. What's this supposed to mean? I just shrug it off and Kitty walks towards her bedroom. I follow her. As I watch her crawl to bed, I find her figure very sexy. No! Stop that thoughts, Mason. Fucking stop it!

When I reach the bed, I slump myself lazily beside her and she turns around. Her back facing me. What is wrong? I ask mentally. But because I'm an idiot, I keep asking her mentally but she won't hear it because we don't have some telepathy power. I shut my eyes and let my body discharge the tiredness I'm feeling.

• • •

A heavy pound of rain hitting the windows wakes me up. I lean up using my elbows to support myself. There's a hand on top of my stomach and I find Kitty snuggling with the blanket. I chuckle because she's so cute even when she sleeps. I gently grab her wrist and put it beside her so she won't wake up. I'm planning on making her a breakfast, but before that, I head to the bathroom to splash some cold water on my face to make myself fully awake and brush my teeth.

Whilst doing some omelet, I hum a song. I reliaze that it's Kitty's favorite song. It's 'The Man Who Can't Be Moved' by The Script. I'm not a big fan of them, but I love their songs. But this song isn't my favorite. Just humming it. After that, I fry some bacons and prepare her a glass of chocolate chaud. Yes, she's a big fan of French stuffs. I also make her a French toast because she really likes it. Usually, she'd say, "Prepare me some French revolution and I'd love you fooorever!!" and I find that really funny, because I always make her these foods. And I'd just reply to her, "French revolution my ass. I hate you forever." and she'd just pout and pretend to whimper.

I make my way towards her room and place the tray on her laptop's desk. I then walk towards her and her mouth is slightly open. There's a rolling bead of saliva on the corner of her mouth. Without any hesitation, I brush it with my thumb and suck my thumb and taste her saliva. Shit.

What is happening to me?

My brain, being stupid enough, thinks it's pretty hot and attractive. I shake the thought away. I can't have these thoughts. Or it might ruin our best friend-best friend relationship, and I don't want that. I know that I don't have any romantic feelings for her but I'm acting strange since that Liam guy came into our life, into Kitty's life. Maybe I'm just jealous because she usually spends her time with me always. Yeah, it's just it. Nothing more... nothing less. Only best friends.

The thoughts I've been thinking snap away when I hear her groan. And hell, it's a hella sexy! I mentally groan because of the thought but quickly diminish when the sun's light hits her face, her lips are slightly parted. It adds more effect on her beautiful face. I just stare at her for a minute, admiring her beauty. When realization hits me, I quickly look away and gulp, taking the nervousness out of my body. Why am I getting nervous?

When she rolls to her side, I brush the hair that is placed on her shut eyes. Her beauty is indescribable. Her eyes flutter and then she squints, adjusting to the room's light caused by the sun and then she sees me and, automatically, smiles at me. I never noticed how beautiful her smile is. Until now. I realize now that she's blinking at me, her head tilted to the side, causing her hair to fall. I give her a smile and stand up and pick the tray and place it on her lap. She gasps and starts munching. "Enk' you very much." She buffles, her mouth is full with foods. "I really, really love you. Thank you very much, Spiderman!"

My heart tightens against my chest. My breath hitches. Those words send a shiver through my spine, causing me to get nervous. Like, really.

Maybe I'm falling. Again.

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