Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Mason Erwan Ashmore

As I kiss Kitty Paris Ashmore, my wife, I can't seem to stop. My lips are moving with hers. Our lips are sealed and in a sync. Finally, my first kiss. My lips were virgin, until now. I tried to take the feelings I'm feeling for Kitty away, but that didn't happen. Here I am, kissing my best friend like there'd be no tomorrow. Shit. I'm fucking sure that I'm still in the 'best friend zone' and I need to get out of it. I want this relationship to level up.

By fooling other girls, I admit I had to distract myself. My feelings for Kitty kept growing and growing. I tried to stop it by dating lots and lots of girls. But nothing happened. Instead, it grew stronger than ever. It's not 'like', it's 'love'. Making out with my best friend, Kitty Paris Ashmore, is the best thing that has happened to my life. Her lips are like a magnet, and my lips are like a metal. Her lips keep attracting mine and we have to connect it. This kiss sends a lot of feelings into my heart, making it soft, making it beat faster than ever. This kiss sends a shiver through my spinal cord and my heart flips 100x times as I sense her smile while we're kissing. Or it's just a sense. I hope she likes kissing me.

I only see Kitty and nothing else. Just Kitty Paris Ashmore. I cup the back of her neck with my hands and deepen the kiss by pulling her into me. We're chest to chest and the friction of our bodies makes me hot and sends me to pure haven. She pulls away first, inhaling some oxygen for her to breathe. The kiss was wild and hot and perfect. I place my forehead onto hers, then slides my hands from her neck through her waist. Her breath fanning my face. Her lips are swollen from the intense kiss we just had and always kissable. I just have to fight the urge to kiss her again.

"Kitty..." I falter when the crowd cheers again at us. Kitty blushes and I smile and hug her tightly. Putting a kiss on her forehead, I scoop her body. My hand supporting her neck and the other one is underneath her knees. She squeals and I have to bite a laugh to suppress it. She's cute and very beautiful and now, she's mine... forever. Nobody can take my Kitty away from me. This time, I will never let her go. When we get home, I'll confess my true feelings for her and I hope she'd love me back. I hope our best friendship would never fall down, would never be dead.

When I reach the church's massive door, I put Kitty down on her feet and plant a kiss on her cheek and she blushes. Shite. She's so freaking cute and adorable. The kids are still showering us with flowers and I pull Kitty closer to me. Hesitantly, Kitty wraps both of her arms around my waist and rests her head on my shoulder. I just want to hold and kiss her all day, all night, and all midnight. 24/7, never stopping. But would she let me do that?

A white car halts in front of the church and we head to it, opening the door for Kitty, I smile at her. When she is sat comfortably, I sit beside her and shut the door. I can still hear the loud cheer of the people. The car jerks to move, and silence it is, hovering around the air. The only thing you can hear is our breathing. I take a peek at Kitty and she's looking outside through her side window, a worry expression is stamped on her beautiful face.

I have to reach her.

My heart is beating abnormally, pounding hard against my chest, making it impossible for me to breathe. The veins in me are pulsing and throbbing as the adrenaline continues to grow.

When we were 14 years old and we were in high school, some guy hit on Kitty and I was really jealous I had to storm away, telling in my action to follow me. She did follow me. A pang of jealousy kept hitting me as the guy whose name is Hayden kept following Kitty and Kitty seemed to like it. It took a lot of patience and self control for me not to punch the guy on his stupid face.

Hayden was very persistent and he sent Kitty flowers every fucking single day. So one day, I sent her a flower with a letter, using an unknown name: Secret Admirer. On the letter, I changed my handwriting and wrote:

Hey Kitty, I really like you and I hope you'd like me back. You're very beautiful. Beautiful than the flower. Beautiful than the sunset. You're beyond perfect and you're so cute I feel like I have to pinch your cheeks and kiss it. One day, you'll see me as your lover, not some random anywho. I'll just take my time, and when the time comes, you'll see me as someone you'd never expect.

Kitty X Secret Admirer—I need some fishy kishy from you. *Gary's pet* Meow.

Kitty did receive the letter. What made me mad was he thought it was Hayden and nothing else. She was really happy and was bouncing up and down. I was demented. I had to fight the jealousy that was coursing in my head and in my stomach. I felt like I was going to cry because that fucking Hayden did take it, telling her it was he who sent the flower and the chessy letter to her. I fucking put a 'meow' so I thought she'd have some clue about who it was. But no, she really thought it was Hayden.

I skipped classes that same day, and I was inside the bathroom, trying to keep myself calm. That's when I realized I really love Kitty Evans Paris. My best friend. Someone entered the bathroom and guess who it was, Hayden. I stepped out and faced Hayden with anger burning inside me.

"Hey, fucker." I started, a hint of malice in my voice, full of hatred. "Stay away from my Kitty. If you don't, I'll fucking kill you."

"Someone's jelly. Fuck off dude," said Hayden, who was smirking evilly at me. "I'd never do that. I love Kitty and she's mine." He received a very strong punch on his jaw and he stumbled, butt first. He groaned and tried to stand up but I kicked his legs.

"Tell this to Kitty and you'll get murdered by me," I said, leaving him on the floor, not bothering helping him to stand up. Struggling to stand up, I kicked his leg again and stepped out of the bathroom. Straigtening my back, I find Kitty.

That very same day, Hayden completely ignored Kitty and flirted with someone else. Kitty was really mad at him she slapped him and Hayden was hurt, pained expression was on his face. His eyes reached mine and I glared at him and he gulped and looked away. I smirked. Kitty went to me and I hugged her, soothing her with my words.

As the memory comes back again, I laugh like an idiot and Kitty snaps her head towards me, arching an eyebrow. I look at her and grin. She smiles at me and blushes and quickly look away. God, she's so cute.

We reach my apartment and Kitty heads first. I tell her I'll follow her and just need to call someone. I dial Mr. Gonzaga's number. He's the owner of this fancy restaurant in Manila. His restaurant is very unique and has a lot of good foods. He's my friend of my father, and my godfather. On the third ring, he picks up.

"Hello?" He says over the phone. His voice is fruity and plummy (but I don't mind about that).

"Hello, Mr. Gonzaga. This is Mason!" I say, chuckling.

"Ah! Mason! How are ya? I heard you just got married?" He says. Yes, just got married. A smile is tugging across my lips as I think of Kitty being my wife. She'd wake up in my arms and would smile at me and would give me a peck on the lips. She'd tell me she loves me very much and I'd say it back and would embrace her. God, I want that so much to happen. I'd willing to sacrifice my life just for Kitty to be fully mine. And by that, I mean, her heart, soul and body. Basically everything.

"Yes! Yes, I just got married!" I say with much enthusiasm, receving a chuckle from him, I add. "Hey, could you do me a favor? See, I want to date my wife there. So, could you please set up a very romantic dinner. I want everything to be perfect. Okay?"

"Sure, Mason. For you." He says, laughing a manly laugh.

"Please ready it. We're going there tomorrow. Thank you very much, Mr. Gonzaga." And that, I hang up. I head to the elevator, punch the 24th floor and wait for it to ding. When the elevator jerks to stop, I immediately run as the elevator opens. I enter my apartment and see Kitty standing in front of the window, looking at the scenery. I walk slowly and carefully, not making a sound. I want this relationship to be perfect. This time—and for forever, I won't be her best friend anymore. I'll be her lover.

I put my arms around her waist, my chin resting on her shoulder. She jerks and tenses, then relaxes. My body is seeping her body heat as I pull her closer into mine. I kiss her neck lightly and she gasps unexpectedly with a hint of excitedness. She opens her mouth, but before she says something, I kiss her neck again, finding her sweet spot. I did find it. She moans. Oh God, that moan.

She tries to say something but I put a finger on her lips, "Sshh," I say softly and lightly, barely a whisper.

"Mason..." Kitty moans. When she says my name, it's like music to my ears. A sweet song that keeps replaying on my head, making it difficult for me to listen to others. I'm having an LSS, I think. I turn her around so she's facing me and I plant a soft kiss on her lips, her legs are trembling. So I tighten my arms around her and kiss her again, but this time, with passion and intensity. God, I've waited for this for so long. Adrenaline is rushing inside me.

"God, I've waited for this for so long you have no idea, Kitty." I say, inhaling her feminine scent. I put a trail of kisses across her neck, through her jawline until I reach her still swollen lips.

"W-W-Wh... what?" She stutters, not believing what I said. Her breath hitches as I lean down to capture her lips with mine. Burning passion is coursing in my veins, causing the butterflies in my stomach to flutter, making me tremble. This feels surreal. Like a book with a happy ending. "But I'm your best friend."

The urge to roll my eyes, I fight it. Instead, I correct her as I close the gap between us and lean down, "I was your best friend. Now 'till forever, I'm your husband." Then I press my lips against her with hunger and longing for her. My heart feels like it's going to erupt like a volcano. Kitty Paris Ashmore. God, it sounds good. Her using my last name. She tangles her fingers in my hair, deepening the kiss. God, she's so sexy and hot and beautiful and perfect.

I love you very much, Kitty Paris Ashmore.

I feel her smile while we're kissing and I pull away, still hugging her. I lead her to the bedroom and scoop her, putting her on the bed gently. Then I climb in. We just stay there. Embracing each other. Kissing each other. Smelling each other. I could get used to this. Kitty Paris Ashmore is very dangerous for me. She's like a drug. More dangerous than a gun. Like, when she fires, you'd be dead, no chance of living again. Her beautiful purple eyes are piercing into mine, twinkling with happiness, excitement and... love? I'm not sure. I cup her cheek and tilt her head so I can kiss her comfortably. I nuzzle my nose on the crook of her neck, and she giggles. Ticklish.

It's getting hot.

The aircon is working, releasing cold air that runs in the air. But I don't feel it. Kitty's body heat is oozing into mine. Kitty's body is pushed against my chest. Kitty Paris Ashmore is practically laying half on top of me. Fuck. Her leg on top of my leg, and her hand is wrapped around my torso. Her face is nuzzled onto my shoulder and she's asleep. She looks peaceful and calm and of course, very beautiful.

For 8 years, I've been trying to get away my feelings for Kitty. For 8 years, I've tried to hide it. For 8 years, I've been convincing myself: Unfortunately, she's your best friend. You can't love her. For 8 years, I've tried to kept a distant from her but I just couldn't. Because I love her. Then I sleep, her in my arms.

• • •

A sound of laughter fills the air, waking me up, groggily. As I sit up, I see Kitty placing a tray on my computer table. Then she turns her head to me, a beautiful smile that makes my heart skip a beat is plastered across her beautiful face.

"You're awake," she says, grabbing the tray and taking the blanket away from my body then she bursts out laughing. I gawk at her in confusion. "You're,"—inhales some air—"wearing a Spiderman boxers!"


I am wearing a Spiderman boxers? How come? I must have taken off my pajama in the midnight. But I don't remember anything. That is so me. Kitty is still laughing, holding her stomach as if it would make her stop laughing. I roll my eyes. Curiosity hits my head. I grab the fabric of her shorts, push it backward so I can take a peek, then take a look at her underwear. It's... pink.

"Barbie!" I cry out loud. A roar of laughter escapes my mouth as I continue to imagine her in a Barbie underwear. Although she's not wearing one right now, I just implied.

"I am so not wearing that!" She protests, putting an angry expression. Which makes me laugh even more. Shaking my head, clutching the fabric I'm wearing in one hand, banging the other hand on the soft mattress, she punches my arm playfully. "Fine, then! I'll show you my underwear!" I even laugh more.

Without hesitation, she takes off her pajama and I stare at her in disbelief... with excitement in it. Her legs are so sexy and slim and perfect and golden. Realizing what she's doing, her eyes widen and tries to pull up the pajama that is underneath her knees. I pull her to me and lay down on the bed, her on top of me. I kiss her deeply, passion running through our hot kiss. The butterflies in my stomach are fluttering happily. Deepening the kiss, I roll, me on top of her and continue to kiss her.

She gasps as I nibble her earlobe, my tongue swirling around the shell. I love every second of this. I love every kisses. I love everything about her. I am deeply in love with her. I, Mason Erwan Roussea Ashmore, am in love with Kitty Paris Ashmore, my was best friend. Now, she's my wife. And she's all mine.

We jerk away from each other as we hear a loud knock on the door. Ringing in my ears, I barge through the living room and open the door with an angry expression. There, standing in front of the door, is my fucking father, who has a grim expression on his effing face.

He shoves me away as he steps in, not bothering about me.

"Ah, Kitty. Why are you here?" My dad asks Kitty with fake tune of joy in his voice.

Playing the game, Kitty responds, "First night, Mr. Ashmore. Our first night." Nicely said, Kitty!

"Oh," says Dad. "Anyways, Mason, I need you today. We're going to a place where the meeting will be held. Business trip. We're leaving in three hours. Go." He orders me like I'm sort of his maid. Yeah, right. I'm not going with you, fucking asshole.

"I'm not going with you, Dad." I say through gritted teeth. Fisting my hands, my knuckles are turning white. "I have my own life!"

Dad's expression hardens as he takes my word. "You're going with me, Mason! Mr. Ress is expecting you there!"


"Mr. Ashmore, if you don't mind—" Kitty butts in, a worried expression is on her face. Conveying between Dad and I.

"But I do mind, Kitty." Dad says, clearly not liking Kitty... for today. He can't be mad at Kitty. Mr. Paris and my Dad have had an agreement. If I'm (or any member of my family) not treating Kitty well, Mr. Paris said he'd take her and would file an annulment. Look at that, Mr. Paris, being a father. How sweet. Although the sudden changed of his heart towards Kitty has me wondering. What could be the reason? I shrug it off, taking my mind elsewhere.

Kitty bursts, "Listen here, Mr. Ashmore. With all due respect, Mason has his own life! You can't just tell him what to do! I've been here all his life, and you know, there's no even moment, just one moment, that you'd hug him or show some fatherly love at him. Because you're just a grade +A A-hole douche! Leave him alone, okay!" She breathes, exhaling the anger coursing inside her.

My father's eyes widen. Kitty has never been angry (not like this: too angry) to anyone. All of her life, she's known as sweet, naive, smart, careless girl. That's true. But this side of her, I freaking love it. She's very hot when she gets angry. Dad's ears are turning red, getting angry. He storms off my apartment and shuts the door with a powerful force that the picture of The Beatles pinned off the wall fall. I roll my eyes and pick up the picture, placing it on the table.

I walk towards Kitty, whispering in her ear, I say, "That's quite hot, Kitty. I want you getting angry." I smirk, then run to the bathroom.

After that little incident between me, Kitty and Dad. Kitty and I head out, walking through Serendra. Holding hands. Stealing kisses with each other. But there's a pained expression on her face that without further vanishes. I want to know.

I can feel a pair of eyes watching us. I look back and see nothing strange. Even though I have this odd feeling that we're being watched. I walk then, right away, look back and find... Mrs. Paris? Watching us?

Why do I feel like it's a good and a bad thing?

But mostly, it's a good thing... with a small bad thing.

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