Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: Kitty Paris

After the date, we head straight to his aparment. This has been the most awesome and perfect time of my life, having a romantic moment with my one true love, Mason. He pats the bed, gesturing me to sit beside him. I do. When I sit, he stands up and picks up his guitar that is resting on the corner of his room. I smile, a smile that reaches my ears. He tunes the guitar as he searches for my face. He smiles at me.

He begins to stream the guitar, releasing a soft melody that surrounds the room, catching my ears. If I was a dog, my ears would have perked right now, raising my ears, finding the beautiful sound. He sings, his voice is so sweet and husky, and not to mention, very beautiful and manly. He's singing This Year's Love. Acoustic version. Mason singing for me is one of the rarest moment of my life. He rarely sings. Mostly, he's into comics and super heroes, and video games.

I shut my eyes, feeling the music, giving me goosebumbs. The hairs on my skin stand up. It stops. I open my eyes only to find Mason leaning down on me. He captures my lips with his, snaking an arm around my waist, pushing me against him so I'm basically sitting on his lap. It makes me blush even though we've kissed a lot of times; it sends me to heaven; it makes me want to cry from happiness. He nibbles my lower lip, earning a moan from me. I part my lips, letting him in. His tongue swivels inside my mouth, tasting every inch of me. Shivering as he runs his hand up and down on my back, I put my arms around his neck, deepening the kiss.

He picks me up, his arm underneath my knee and the other one is on my neck, supporting the kiss. He places me on the soft mattress, like a fine jewelry. Then his lips travel across my jawline, to my neck, kissing the soft spot. I moan, shutting my eyes, feeling the ecstasy of his love. My mind is dizzy, unable to concentrate, to think accordingly. Mason is making it hard for me. With his lips still brushing my jawline, I can't.

I never thought our relationship would be different, that out best friendship would turn into a serious lovers relationship. In any miles, in my life, I dreamed about this; felt about this, and now, it's really happening, and I'm feeling it.

"Mason..." I say through a moan, blushing. It sounded like I'm begging or something. I gulp, nervous as hell.

"Kitty..." says Mason, who is kissing my shoulder blades. His hand travelling up and down on my body. Making my heart race, sending a spark on every nerves of my body, curling my toes, his hand lifts my shirt, brushing on a flesh meat of my stomach. "I love you so much." And that's when I want to die peacefully. With flowers all over my body.

"I love you, too, Mason."

"Say it again, Kitty. I want to hear it."

"I love you very much, Mason!" I scream as he bites my neck. Obviously, there'd be a love bite there tomorrow. I'm wondering if I would hide it or not. Totally should. I have a class tomorrow. I should be reviewing right now, not making lovey dovey with my husband. We have a quiz tomorrow, and I'm dead if I fail. Snuggling on his chest, he puts an arm around my body, hustling me against him. My head is on his chest, and I can practically his heart beating furiously, just like mine. I shut my eyes, letting the tiredness seep into me.

* * *

"Transportation is of a vital importance in developing tourism. Tourists need easy access to various forms of transportation. It is imperative too have convenient access and quality service. It means to reach a destination. Another, it is functionally defined as the passenger movement from point a to point b. Another meaning, it provides a variable portion of total cost to the tour operator." My teacher is PriTur1 Ms. Wayo says. "Tour operator, these are the people behind the travel agency. They are the one who make packages, like, 3 days and 2 nights including air fare. Just like that."

All the students nod. Ms. Wayo is so funny. She has this bob hair style and is very pretty. Her height is around mine, but I'm still taller. She doesn't have a husband. And I don't know if she has a boyfriend. She calls us her 'babies'. She's the tourism's dean. All the students like her because she's very good and very calm.

"We have different modes of transportation. That includes land, water and air. In land, we have two types, the road transport and rail transport. The road transport is defined as any movement of good and, or, passengers using a road vehicle on a given road network. On the other hand, the rail transport pertains to any movement of goods and, or, passengers using a railway vehicle on a given railway network. It has 5 types of train service, the long distance train service, the high-speed train service, inter-city train service, brance line train service and mass transit system. In Philippines, we only have 3. Long distance, branch line and mass transit.

"Water-based transport is the use of watercrafts in the transportation. There are 4 types. Merchant marine, Shallow draft vessel, Ferry and Cruise ship. The difference between a Vessel, Ferry and Cruise is that vessel carries only cargos while Ferry caries people while Cruise carries both cargos and people. Remember that, my babies.

"Air transportation is basically the movement of passengers or goods by air. Aviation is the operation of aircraft. There are two types, the military aviation and civil aviation. In military avition, it consists of bombers, fighters, transport aircrafts, helicopters and experimental aircrafts. In civil aviation, only two, it's domestic services and international services. Okay, our time is up. On our next meeting, we have a quiz. So please, review guys. I'm expecting higher scores. Okay. See you on next meeting."

My head aches. I thought we would be having quiz, but no. I reviewed for almost 3 hours. I had to wake up early because I had a quiz, and I never wanted to fail. I sigh, grabbing my stuffs before leaving. Lisa nudges me, a small smile on her lips, jerking her head towards the door. My eyes spot him, leaning on the door frame with a hopeful smile craved on his lips. Liam. My heart aches. I know, to the depth of my heart, that I like this guy more than a friend. But Mason overrules my heart. It sounds cheesy, but it's true.

Liam walks towards me, and my heart is beating so fast. Just now do I realize that I'm clutching Lisa's hand, digging my nails on her palm. I feel weak. Liam has been my first friend here in the Philippines. He has been my best friend ever since. I feel uncomfortable. I look at Lisa and a hurt flashes on her face, but then it quickly diminishes as Liam stands in front of me. I never have the chance to think of what I saw on Lisa's face.

"Hi," says Liam, smiling at me.

"Hello, Liam." I wave at him, and he laughs, dimples showing. I take a deep breath through my nose and exhale. An awkward silence fills through the air as we continue to look at each other. Me, Lisa, and Liam.

"So, are you free today?" He asks me hopefully. I think about if I have a free time today. I do. Mason has errands to run, so he's probably busy. I don't have anything to do. If eating counts, then that's it, nothing more. "I'm free today, and I don't have anything to do. Perks of being lonely. I could use some company, Kitten. My treat. You can come, too, Lisa."

"Sure," Lisa says, nodding enthusiastically. "Say yes, Kitty!"

"Okay. Sure, why not." I say dismissively, resisting the urge to roll my eyes at Lisa's over enthusiasm. Although, it's fun, I care not to show it.

We head to Market! Market! and find some place to eat. We settle for KFC and take a seat. Liam's hair is tousled, as if he's running his hands through it all day and night. His chocolate eyes complimenting his brown complexion, as well as his pinkish lips.

Lisa orders a spicy chicken, just like mine and Liam because we really like spicy foods. Liam asks us if we want a Krushers and we agree, nodding to him. We order five mash potatoes since it's my favorite (Mason likes it, too. Sometimes, he'd go to grocery and buy potatoes and he'd smash it and present it to me like it's the greatest food of all), and three salads.

As the waiter sets our foods down the table, my mouth waters. I'm really hungry. I didn't breakfast and I really woke up very early, and just reviewed my notes. I pick the spoon and fork, stabbing the chicken, cutting it with the spoon. Ridiculous. Liam chuckles at me and Lisa laughs. I roll my eyes at them and point at their foods, signaling them to eat and not to waste any of it.

Comfortable silence it is, just the sound of our spoons and forks hitting the plate is the only sound we are hearing. We gobble our food down, and I take a gulp at my chocolate Krushers and sigh in happiness. Liam shakes his head, smiling. Lisa, who's stopped eating, eyes Liam carefully. Oh, Lisa has a thing for Liam. Then her eyes meet mine and her eyes widen and she blushes furiously and continues to eat. I burst out laughing and Liam and Lisa look at me like I'm sort of a retarted young lady.

Liam creases his forehead in confusion whist Lisa is silently pleading at me. I shake my head and continue to eat. Liam scowls, disappointed because I don't tell him what it is about. Lisa sighs in relief and forks her chicken and eat it with a crunch. Oh, Liam, Liam, Liam.

After we eat our food, we head to Timezone on the fifth floor, beside the Cinemas. Liam loads his card with P400 and Lisa loads her card P300. I don't have one, and I don't know what's the purpose of it, so I only watch them. When we get outside of the Timezone, only to face the giant game called Just Dance, Liam swipes the card on the card reader (so that's what the card is for!) and gestures for me and Lisa. Lisa grins ear to ear and practically runs beside Liam. I walk towards them.

Liam explains the game to me, and I just nod, undestanding him. My last class starts at 3pm, and it's only 11 in the morning. I'm an irregular student since I enrolled late. Liam gestures for the screen, and chooses the song The Other Side by Jason Derulo. He raises his hand to let the game recognize his presence. Lisa and I do it, too. Then he clicks start.

The music starts and the speaker blasts with Jason Derulo's music, a hip-hop with a hint of a pop. The screen flashes the moves we will follow and when it hits the center of the screen, we must do it. So we do. Lisa is a natural dancer. So is Liam. There are audience, most of them are girls, and they are eyeing Liam.

I slightly frown. I don't know why but something hits my stomach. Jealousy. I know I'm being selfish, but I don't know what to do. We, three, kick to the left, as part of the dancing game. We laugh as I tumble a few of the dance steps. I'm not a good dancer, but sometimes I do dance.

Not just as good as them.

We keep playing games, like, squirting water to the rubber ducks, bowling, dancing. Liam managed to get me a fluffy tweety bird when he hit the jackpot. He gave it to me willingly and I told him I didn't want it instead give it to Lisa. He just shook his head and pouted at me so I gave in.

Another moment with them. Times like this must be kept in our hearts. What a cheesy line. But I think it should. Physical things don't matter as long as the people you trust and love are around you, supporting you, loving you.

Stomach growling, I say, "I'm hungry, we can eat."

Liam chuckles, "Sure, Kitten. For you."

We begin to walk. "Hey, don't leave me here, idiots!" Lisa says, catching up to us. We forgot about her. "You guys are so mean. Very, very mean. I'm your friend! You shouldn't be leaving your friend, or any of your friends. Duh." Rolling her eyes, she flips her black her around. I giggle.

I, together with Liam and Lisa, decide that we could eat at McDonald's, so we head our way there. We settle in our seats, picking up the menu. I tell them it's my treat since they let me play with their cards whilst we were in Timezone. They both nod. I order a McNuggets together with Spaghetti, a big sundae, large fries and McFloat. Lisa orders a large fries, McNuggets and a chicken with rice while Liam orders a spicy chicken with two rice, soaked with the gravy, a Spaghetti, medium fries and a large McFloat.

Tasting my food, I moan in anticipation. Just smelling these foods in front of me makes my stomach grumble from hungryness. I twirl the spaghetti with my fork and dip it inside my mouth and sigh.

Gobbling my food down, I check my watch, and it's 2 in the afternoon. I spent 3 hours with them. And it's really fun. After we eat, we just stride around the mall. Seeing shop after shop of clothes. My phone suddenly buzzes. I fish it in my pocket, and see the message. It's from Mason. I can't help the smile on my face as it reaches my ears. With the look on my face, Lisa nudges me, grinning wickedly. I take a glance at Liam and he has a hurt expression but then dissolves. The message reads:

Come to your father's company. Now, we need to talk about something. It's really important. I MISS YOU AND LOVE YOU xx.

Although I love looking at the end of his messsage, I frown. Why would he want to meet me in my father's company when we could meet up somewhere else? My heart is racing. I have this bad instinct, telling me there's something bad going on. Or that will happen. I quickly dismiss the thought away. It's not good. I should be positive.

I tell them goodbye, that I will see them tomorrow and they both nod and head back to school while I to my father's company. After 20 minutes of walking, I reach the company and head inside, straight to the elevator. I punch the 20th floor and wait. When I reach my dad's office, I knock at his door. It opens, revealing my dad who looks like he's been problematic. Or going through a problem.

In the room, Mr. and Mrs. Ashmore sit on the long couch, together with my mom and Lily. Mason is standing beside the couch, looking at me happily. I smile at him and Lily rolls her eyes.

Before I say something, Dad opens his mouth and blurts, "We're selling the company, Kitty."

I stare at him in shock, "What?"

"We're selling the company Kitty. We can't handle it anymore. We're in debt. Your marriage didn't save the company. In fact, it made it worse. I don't know how that happened. We're thinking of selling the company for a long time." He states matter-of-factly. I want to know why I'm here. As if reading my mind, he adds, "The new CEO and her husband will be here tonight. And she wants to see all of us."

"So you've already sold the company..." I falter, staring at him in disbelief. I know I shouldn't be. But I'm not cruel. My mom and dad love this company, it seems, more than their lives. He nods and Lily rolls her eyes again. And suddenly, I have this strong urge to kick her face. But I fight against it. My mother hates me, but she taught me how to be a proper, beautiful, young lady. My father rubs his temple, as if telling the truth would make his head burst.

Mason walks towards me, hugging me. Four set of eyes are staring at me intently as Mason kisses my temple. And I don't give a damn about them. Mrs. Ashmore just smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up whilst Lily scowls, makes a face then turns away. He walks me towards another couch, sits me there beside him. Again, the eyes. They don't know what is happening between Mason and I and I don't want to tell them, except Mrs. Paris.

They head outside to eat, leaving me with Mrs. Ashmore and Lily. Mrs. Ashmore stands up, sits beside me and takes my hand. "Now, tell me about you and Mason." She asks me, smiling ear to ear. I blush. "No hiding, sweetie."

"Um," I begin nervously. "Nothing. I guess."

"Oh come on, Kitty. Spill." Mrs. Ashmore whines, giving me a puppy eyes. Those expression, just exactly like Mason's. I can't resist that kind of face, can I? Lily, who is scowling, glares at me but she's waiting for my story. I can tell by the way her posture is. She likes to know.

"After we got married, Mason told me about his real feelings for me. He said he loved... loves me since we were 10." I blush again. "And I told him about mine. So that's where it began. We love each other. Hooya. Done."

"I always have this feeling that Mason has feelings for you." Mrs. Ashmore says, giving me a soft smile. Her voice is assuring and soothing. "I remember one time when you were looking at someone else, you were looking at a guy and I could tell you were checking that guy out. Mason, who was looking at you, grimaced because, probably, he didn't—doesn't—want you looking at any other guy. From that day, I knew he has a feelings for you. He just didn't want to admit it. He's scared. Just like you were. Am I right?" I nod, giving her hand a squeeze. Lily scoffs but we both ignore her. "Team Kitty all the way."

That makes me laugh. "Thank you, Mrs. Ashmore." She rolls her eyes at my formality but ignores it.

When the night hits, revealing stars that are scattered everywhere above the clouds that shine brightly, giving us lights that no other thing could. We all head to the board's giant office to wait for the new CEO and her husband. My dad, who is sitting stiffly on his chair, shuts his eyes and takes a deep breath, mom comforting him, massaging his back. Mason is standing beside me, guarding me. Like in any minute, there would be a gang, trying to get me. Then he begins to bite his thumb. He does that when he's nervous. I want to ask him what's the matter but decide against it. Let hem be thinking.

My heart stars racing again.

"It's time." My dad says as he stands up, fixing his black tuxedo. I remember I'm still in my uniform and roll my eyes innerly. I can't believe I'm presenting myself to new CEO like this. We're all looking at the door. I look down at my outfit. I don't want to present myself like this. But what to do? I'm already here. I hear the door opens and there's a collective gasps. I look to see what they are looking at.

My eyes widen.

In front of us, a woman who is like the exact image of my mom is standing. Chin's up. Wicked smile's on. A man is standing behind her and my eyes meet mine. He has violet eyes. Just like mine. He has a cropped brown hair and it looks attractive. He's wearing a black tuxedo matched with a black shiny shoes. He's tall. Maybe 6'4. The woman, who is smiling evilly, takes the man's hand beside him.

"I'm back, people. Miss me." She says. Her voice is like mine. Like my mom's. "My sister, Amelia! How are you? God, I miss you so much." She walks towards my mom and hugs her, her jaw is hanging. "Hello, I'm the new CEO of this company. Oh, hi, Luke."

"Kianna..." My mom says, her voice is shaking with fear, humiliation and disbelief. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"Going back." Kianna says matter-of-factly. "Oh, remember my husband, Kristoff? I'm sure you remember him guys."

My head begins to ache as I try to process what's happening in front of me. My mom has a twin sister and she didn't even tell me about her. Or any of them. I look at Mason and he's not in shock. In fact, he looks calm. His fingers laced through mine, giving it a squeeze.

After a moment of silence. My dad shouts, "What the hell are you doing here?! You're not supposed to be here. You're supposed to be far away from us!"

"Really, Luke?" Kianna scoffs, rolling her eyes. "You threw us away. I started this company. And now, I'm buying it again. I want this."

"Shut up, Kianna!" My mom shouts.

"No, you shut up, Amelia. Ever since we were kids, you've been jealous of me because I was mom's favorite. I married a wonderful husband, we built this company. And you were very jealous. You threatened us, told everyone that we were doing illegal things. I was forced to leave my daughter with you. And you're not treating her well. Well, I'm back and I'm making sure you guys will be nothing. Again." Kianna snarls.

"She's not your daughter, Kianna!"

"No, Kitty is my daughter."

I look up at Kianna, her eyes meet mine and there are tears threatening to pour out. I open my eyes. A knot is forming in my stomach. My heart is aching. I can't believe this. I want to cry. All this time, my whole world is fake. Full of lies. I don't want to believe it. But there are proofs. My mom, dad and Lily not treating me well. Why they hate me so much. Why they don't want me to join their family pictorials. Why they didn't tuck me in at night when I was a child. They don't want me. All of it. I shut my eyes and tears begin to pour down my face and I can feel Mason's arms around me, holding me. I open my eyes again to see my real mother looking at me, tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Kitty!" She says, running towards me, nearly knocking me as she hugs me tightly. Running her hand through my hair, I can feel the warmth of her body. This feels right. I've never been hug like a real family. Except Mason. "I miss you so much. God, I missed a lot. I shouldn't have left you with them. I'm sorry, Kitty. I'm sorry." She breaks. I look at, I assume, Kristoff and he's staring at me with his purple eyes looking proud and happy. He walks towards me and hugs me and my real mom.

I can't handle this.

I want to run, away from this. Away from them. So I do it. Leaving them behind, I hear Mason's shouts, calling me. I hear heels clunking behind me and I stop at the elevator. But it seems busy since it's on the first floor. So I take the emergency stairs. I don't care if my feet burn from acheness, I just want to get away, just be myself for a moment. Mason is calling me, running behind me as I take the stairs fastly. When I reach the 16th floor, that's when he reaches me, holding me against him.

"I'm sorry, Kitty. I'm sorry." He cries, holding me still.

"You knew?" I stare at him in shock. He knew? And he didn't tell me. He nods and I feel the world crumbles beneath my feet. I shake my head, crying. Mason, who is my husband, my best friend, who I completely trust, refused to tell me the truth. I feel betrayed. He hugs me tightly, sobbing on the crook of my neck. I push him away, but he holds still. "Get away from me!" I manage to pull him away from me. "I trusted you, Mason! I thought I could trust you. You said that we'd tell each other the truth. Clearly you didn't. And I looked like a dumb! You made me a dumb!"

"Sorry, Kitty. I'm really, really sorry. I just don't want to feel pain. I don't. I'm really sorry, Kitty. Please forgive me. I love you very much." He says through sobs after sobs. I can't believe him right now. I don't want to believe him right now.

Right now, I'm afraid of him.

"Please, Kitty. Forgive me." Mason says, clutching onto my waist. My heart almost shatters when I hear his voice. Full of hurt, pain, regret, sorry, everything.

"Please, Mason... let me be on my own." Then I take off. I get inside and punch the elevator. Good thing it's on the 15th floor and when the elevator opens, there are people inside it but they quickly get out as they see me crying. I hit the ground floor and wait for it to open. Then I run.

This time, I'm running to a person I fully trust. The person who will not hurt me. I just know. To Liam.

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