Part 2

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To my lovely Andrea-BooksDreams I love you with all my heart ❤

"I didn't steal it", Stiles reminded him eyes still tightly shut. "Why do you need a pregnancy test?", Noah sighed "Did you get some girl pregnant? Because I always thought you were into Derek?" "No I didn't and how do you even know I am into Derek?", Stiles asked while dropping his head in his hands. "Just figured", Noah shrugged "so why the test?". "I might have had a one night stand with Derek and just found out alphas could get males pregnant and I was feeling sick for days so I figured it would be best to make sure", Stiles rambled down so fast that Noah could barely understand. But unfortunately he did understand his son. "You think you are pregnant?", Noah just asked wide eyed and Stiles nodded not being able to hold back his tears any longer. He broke down and started sobbing and Noah immediatly lay his arms around him to comfort his son. "Stiles, shhh...", he tried to soothe him "everything's gonna be alright". "How can anything be alright?", Stiles sobbed resting his head on his father's shoulder. "Whatever happens, I'm here for you", Noah kissed the side of his head. "Even if I am pregnant from an alpha werewolf that hates me?", Stiles whispered into his shoulder. "Even if you had told me you are secretly a giant sea moster", Noah exaggerated "I would always be here for you". Stiles sniffled at his father's words. "Speaking of being there, where was Scott when you didn't break into that store?", Noah asked confused as to where Stiles' usual partner in crime was. "I didn't tell him", Stiles admit "I didn't tell anyone. What if they hate me? What if they think I am an abomination?". Noah nodded understanding his son's concern although he didn't think that Scott would ever let him down because of that. "I take it you haven't took the test by now?", Noah asked. "No, I was arrested unfortunately", Stiles said then looked up at him "how are you not mad at me or freaking out?" "Oh, you know. First of all why would I be mad? I mean yes of course I gave you the safer sex talk like a million times and you ignored it but you would just come up with the argument that werewolves don't catch human diseases so we hit a dead end in this discussion. And actually after all that supernatural stuff I am really not surprised that even males can get pregnant now. I am just a little concerned as to how that's supposed to happen...", the sheriff trailed off in thought. "Oh god, that's making me sick", Stiles stood and ran to the bucket that was under his father's work desk and threw up into it. Noah went over to rub his back. "Do you want to take the test?", he then asked quietly. "I am afraid", Stiles confessed. "Let's get you home", Noah smiled at him and lifted him to his feet.

When they got home Stiles stood in the room awkwardly not knowing what to do. "It's best to just get it over with", Noah said and Stiles nodded and made his way to the bathroom. When he came back he laid the test on the sink and started a timer on his phone then settled down next to his dad on the couch in the living room. "How come you had a one night stand with Derek and just told me he hates you?", Noah blurted out his question. "It's complicated", Stiles shrugged "he was drunk and the next day I thought Derek wouldn't remember anything so I left. He hasn't mentioned it so I think I was right. It's best if he never finds out tho. He would just hate me more". "Did you tell anyone?", Noah asked. "God no! Scott would confront Derek immediatly and that's really the last thing I need right now. I just wanted to forget about it. It hurt knowing we had something but it was all just the alcohol. But I think forgetting about it isn't really in the cards right now", Stiles glanced at the timer. It was still some time left on the clock until he knew about his future. "What if you are pregnant?", his dad asked curious "are you gonna keep it?" "I am", Stiles immediatly said, not needing to think about it twice "it's my baby after all". "I might have a grandchild", it dawned on Noah and a smile crept it's way onto his face. "You might, yeah", Stiles smiled at him weakly then stuttered a little awkwardly "Um, dad. Could we... umm... me and the baby, if I am pregnant...could we live with you until I find a job and can take care of us by myself". "If you can...? Your mom would have slapped you for that question. Of course you can stay. I would never kick you out!", Noah stated. "Thanks dad", Stiles smiled and let himself drop into his father's arms again. They were rudely interrupted by the alarm going off on Stiles' phone. "Here goes nothing", Stiles stood up hesitantly, his whole body shaking. He took a deep breath to prevent an upcoming panic attack then turned towards the kitchen. He started to take little slow steps towards the kitchen, trying to remain his breathing calm. "Stiles?", his father called after him just as he was about to enter the kitchen. He turned around to look at him and raise his eyebrows in question. "Whatever you find out in there", he spoke soft and honest "just know that I love you". Stile teared up a little and smiled at his father. "I love you too dad", he told him before he turned around again and walked into the kitchen. He picked up the test and looked at it, leaving the kitchen to go to his father. Noah hadn't moved his eyes from the door and looked expectandly when his son returned in the doorframe. He turned the test around so Noah could see the result, then spoke to him. "You're gonna be a grandpa!"

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