Part 10

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After a few minutes the sheriff poked his head around the corner just coming back out of the garage with Chris. He released a breath he had been holding when he saw his son smile at Derek as if he was his world. Thank god they sorted this out. Stiles smiled right back at him when he saw they came back into the room. The sheriff fixed his gaze on Derek and he had a poker face on. He liked the boy, even if he had been a suspect once, but he needed to know his intentions. "So, you got my son pregnant",  he stated and Derek's face went pale. "I-I didn't know until now, I swear", Derek tried to defend himself. "Uh huh", the sheriff mumbled unimpressed. "I thought Stiles left me because he felt that what we had was a mistake. If I had known how he felt he wouldn't have been alone a day since then. He's my mate and I really do love him and if he wants me, I want to spend the rest of my life with him", Derek spilled and the sheriff smiled at him. "I love you too", Stiles told him, grabbing his hand"and of course I want you. We want you". He smiled down at his belly. "That sounds like a plan", the sheriff nodded. "Thank you for staying with him in this when I wasn't, sir", Derek meant it. "I would do anything for him", the sheriff was full of love when he looked at his only child then back at Derek "and don't sir me. Call me Noah. Oh and Derek...welcome to the family". With that he stepped to him and pulled him in a hug that Derek returned after a second of shock. "Thank you", he whispered. "Take good care of him and my grandchild", Noah whispered back. "I will. I promise", Derek assured him. Their conversation came to an end as Stiles spoke really loud. "Scott I know you are dying to come down, so just do it already", Stiles yelled and Scott was down in like two seconds. Stiles braced for what was about to come. He appreciated that Scott left him alone with Derek, but he felt like Scott would want some answers now. Scott sat down next to him and looked at him serious. "Why didn't you tell me?", he simply asked. "I just didn't want to get my hopes up, Scottie. I know if I had told you you would have convinced me to talk to him. You would have said I had chances and that this whole thing meant something", Stiles explained. "I would have been right", Scott stated confused. "Yeah", Stiles huffed a laugh "but I was so sure that I had no chance that I couldn't risk getting heartbroken once you would have gotten my hopes up. I'm sorry man, I should have talked to you", Stiles explained and Scott smiled at him understanding. "I get it man. But that's what best friends are for, right? You can talk to me about anything. For example if you got knocked up", Scott mentioned and Stiles smile fell. "I was afraid you'd all see me as an abomination", his eyes fixed on the floor and a silent gasp from Allison could be heard. "I wouldn't even see you as an abomination if you got hairy and extremely dangerous around every full moon", Scott said sternly "oh right, that's what I do and you just went with it, supporting me and helping me. Stiles, if you showed up being half dinosaur half unicorn I still wouldn't see you as an abomination. You're my brother and I love you. So what? You're pregnant. We can do this". By the time he finished Stiles was crying and Scott took him into his arms. "The hormones man?", he asked seriously. "I wish, but it was all you", Stiles confessed "I love you too, bro". "If anyone thinks of you like that or laughs at you I will shoot them. Twice", you'd think it was Derek but it was actually Allison who said it. "Thanks, Allie. That's so sweet of you", Stiles cooed as he was released out of Scott's arms. "How far along are you?", it was Chris who asked. Everyone looked at him expectandly, although Derek knew because it was easy math. "Around three month. I am gonna get big soon", Stiles frowned and Derek lay his hand on his shoulder. "I will love you anyway", Derek stated. "He isn't lying", Scott confirmed listening to Derek's heartbeat. "Good to know", Stiles grinned at his mate. He was amazed by that word. "Are you showing already?", Allison asked quietly, really curious. Stiles was her best friend after all. "A little yeah", Stiles said and Allison's eyes got all wide and shiny. He saw the silent question in them and stood up to lift his shirt and turn to the side so Allison and the others could see how his belly had formed into the tiniest bump. "This is amazing", Allison gasped in awe. Derek lay his hand on Stiles' bump and actually had glassy eyes. Scott jumped in excitement. "I am gonna be an uncle", he exclaimed happily and Stiles started laughing. "Yes you are buddy", he confirmed and Scott technically jumped into his arms. "Do you wanna see it?", Noah spoke up again and all the eyes in the room turned to him. "What do you mean?", Derek was the first to ask. "Do you wanna see your baby", Noah asked again "I have an ultrasound picture". "I'd love to", Derek had a toothy smile on his face. Stiles attempted to stand up as he assumed they were going home to see the picture but stopped when he noticed his dad pulling it out of his jacket. "You have it with you?", he asked in awe. "Always close to my heart", Noah patted the pocket he just got it from that was on the left side of his chest. Stiles shed a few tears again because he was touched by his father's action. Noah was so proud to show the ultrasound picture and everybody looked at it happily. "I can't see anything in this", Scott was desperate. "It's still small, Scottie. Give it some time",  Stiles laughed "good things take time". He smiled at Derek fondly when he said it.

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