the gender

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Clarys POV

Today we go to the doctors office to see what the genders are. After I eat breakfast I look at the clock and see it is 4:30 am. I still have five hours and twenty nine minutes and something seconds. Uuuuggghhhhh I yelll. Iz you up yet. No answer. Jace you up yet. No answer. Maryse you up yet. No answer. I go down to the kitchen. I see Alec in the corner. Is he. O.M.G Alexander Giddeon lightwood. He turns and goes red. Magnus and Alec come with me nowwww. How come you didnt tell me. Hey he cane in with flowers and gifts for you. Then we started to talk. It then just kinda all happened you know. Well I'm glad I walked in on that moment happened before something else started to happen. Me too said Mia. Mia when did you get here. I brought gifts. For what. Your children. Oh. Do you saw it all to. Yup now any ways Clary we need to get Sia , Izzy , and Maryse up. Why? We need to go shopping for art supplies , food , comic books , etc. Ok let's go then you get izzy and I'll get Sia mia said. Why can't I get my baby girl. I haven't seen her in two months. So my turn now. Ok fine. Alright let's get them up. I go and try to get Izzy up. Key words try to. Then I think of a way. Izzy are you coming shopping with me , mai , Maryse , and sia. Or not. She jumped out of bed like the flash and I herd the shower turn on. Soon we were all ready to go.

Magnus pov

Ok I got the decorations I said. I also brought sia some glitter as she tried to steal mine last time she was at my house. Little rat. I laugh at the name I gave her. Ok come on. We decided to plan Clary a baby shower. I out glitter EVERYWHERE AND I MEAN EVERYWHERE.

Clarys pov

I go home and the light are turned off. The girls tell me to wait here. They even take my baby. I wait five minutes like I'm told. I walk in and someone grabs my back. Then I .......

Hello beautiful ANGLES how are you. Sorry I haven't updated yet. I have some things I have been doing. So soon and sadly I will be updating when ever I can. Until next time my little warriors

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