Chapter 13

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As a reward for collecting the money with success, Rodriguez allowed us an extra day in Cyprus for free time. The three of us chose a cheap villa on the edge of the island to spend the day rather than staying in the same hotel as the poker game. We needed a breather and thinking about Sienna in that hotel was suffocating us all. I tore my eyes away from the monopoly board on the coffee table as Scotty picked up the dice and looked over my shoulder at Derek, who was sitting at the breakfast bar, Jade on FaceTime.

"And you're sure you're okay?"

"Yes, Derek. Unless you count homework, coursework and a part time job robbing me of a social life then I am okay."

"Has anyone visited you lately? Someone that seemed a bit, I don't know, strange?"

She pretended to think. "Well there was this pizza delivery boy that asked for my phone number last night."

"A boy asked for your phone number?" Derek snapped, eyes wide. "Who is he? What did you say?"

"I said no, give me the pizza. Calm down!"

Scotty moved his figurine across the board. "He's just worried you'll meet someone like him." I scowled and threw the top-hat figurine at him, having it bounce off his nose. "Ow!"

"Be nice," I warned. "And don't be a wimp. That didn't hurt."

"It did!" He insisted. 

"You got beaten up by a psycho blonde last night and you're complaining that I hurt you?"

"My nose could go red. Like Rudolph."

I rolled my eyes and took my turn, landing on a chance card. I smiled and overturned the top card on the pile, my face falling instantly.

"What is it?" Said Scotty.

I slammed the card back on the pile. "Go to jail."

Scotty snorted and clapped his hands. "You deserve it!"

"For what?"

He pointed to his nose. "Assault."

I placed my figurine in jail and looked back over to Derek. He was... smiling. Derek and Jade seemed to speak more during the months we were tracking down Sienna, although they rarely saw each other in person. It was nice to see them talking like your average pair of siblings. It was almost... normal.

"So we're going out for dinner tomorrow?" Said Jade. "You, me, Amber and dad."

I raised my head looking over my shoulder for clarification. "We are?"

Derek opened his mouth but Jade answered. "Yes, Derek promised. Didn't you, Derek?"

He sighed. "Why is my life dictated by the women living in it?"

"Because it's safer for us all if we just listen to them," said Scotty as he moved his figurine again. His eyes flitted between the top-hat and me. "Don't throw it again, please."

Derek turned back to Jade and nodded. "Yeah, we will. I promise," said Derek. 

"Good," replied Jade. "Now, I have to do that work I mentioned. Enjoy Cyprus and I'll see you soon."

"You too. I love you."

There was a pause from Jade's end, followed by a faint laugh. "I love you too, big brother."

The call ended with a series of beeps before the screen turned black. Derek smiled and shoved his phone into the pocket of his jeans as he stood. His eyes met mine as he wandered towards Scotty and I on the sofa.

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