Chapter 11: Still There

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Chapter 11

Still There

Well, Well...

Clark's dead. Hahahahahaha. Perfect, just perfect. I thought of doing it myself a few days ago, but I guess I don't have to do anything now. Though am sad just a little because I had planned a perfect execution for you Clark...

Well now that's over I can focus on Nikki now. And of course Sami and that sister of Chris. What' her name? I think its Eliza...Elizabeth there you go. Elizabeth.

So nosy and what a liar! My Nikki is so right I need to get rid of that Elizabeth as soon as possible. She could harm my Nikki. And no no noo! I don't want that.

How will I kill her? Maybe I could have fun with her and then kill her. Maybe a slow and painful one shall do the trick. I don't like to kill them very fast.

I could kill her like I did to her brother. Drain her in acid and watch how she dies slowly.

Mmhmhmhmhmhmhm. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

Enough I got bored with this. Am going to write the last note before you finally see me again...

The last black note.

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