My Deadly Secret Admirer: Deleted Scenes and Important Stuff

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Deleted Scenes and Important Stuff

Deleted Scene #1 

This was the original part of chapter 4, but I deleted it and... well just read it: 

In front of our neighbor's house was a moving truck. Men were unloading boxes and carrying them into the now vacant house. A boy tall and skinny was carrying a box to go into the house. As soon as our eyes met he tripped and fell forwards. The box that he was carrying flew from his hands as it threw up everything it had inside.  

I quickly ran up to him to help him, but stopped dead when I saw what was inside the box.  

Small black envelopes were scattered across the floor. My eyes widen as I couldn't believe it. 

Deleted Scene #2 

This is just before Clark died: 

"Now we add the number 5 to this," Clark explained to me. I wasn't pay attention. He looked up from his paper when he sensed that I wasn't paying attention.  

He smiled wide. "Pay attention!" He brought his hand on top of head as he rubbed it, messing my hair up.  

I jolted back. "Hey!" I complained as I tried to smooth out my hair. He chuckled. 

"Well that's what you get for not paying attention!"  

I frowned. "I was pay attention," I defended myself. 

He frowned. "Oh yeah?" 

I nodded. "Yes I was... I was paying attention at your juicy lips." It caught him off guard. His eyes widen for a fraction of second then looked the other way as a small blush touched his face.  

"Ha-ha," he said. I smiled. He turned around and smiled, but his eyes were serious. 

"I love you," he seriously said.  

I blushed as gently lowered my eyes and back to his eyes. I was never going to get over how it made me feel whenever he said those words. "I love you, too." 

He smiled gently as leaned forward to me. I closed my eyes and waited. Just then someone cleared their throat loudly. I jumped and quickly back away nervous. 

Aaron was leaning on the side of the door with his arms over his chest. He had a serious expression. 

"It's late," he said. My eyes flickered from him to the watch. It was late. 

Clark stood up from the counter as he closed his notebook. He stuffed the book inside his backpack as he gave in me a wink. I smiled looking the other way. I noticed Aaron hadn't moved an inch from where he stood. He was staring at Clark lost in thought.  

He caught me staring at him then sighed, turned his body around and left the kitchen without a word. 

I frowned. 

"I'm off," Clark happily said to me as he bent down and kissed my forehead. I tore my attention away from Aaron and met Clark's gentle eyes. 

"My gentle and sweet lady," he whispered. "I must go, for this night I must dream of you and I." 

I smiled as I rolled my eyes. "So poetic and handsome, for I shall accept only to this night." 

He chuckled. "Romeo and Juliet?"  

"Romeo and Juliet," I answered smiling wide. He held out a hand and I accepted as I hopped down on the chair.  

"Come forth wilt me," he smiled at me as he kissed my hand. I couldn't help, but laugh out loud. I followed him out into the chilly night.  

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