Chapter 23: Goodbye Aaron

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Chapter 23 

Goodbye Aaron 

"Let me go!!" I yelled at Aaron as he grabbed my wrists and tried to kiss me. Disgusted and furious I kicked him with all my strength at his middle part. He howled in pain and dropped to his knees as he grabbed his crotch in pain.  

I need to escape! My eyes frantically started towards the door and to his bedroom window. My heart pounding like a time bomb ready to explode at any minute. Fast as possible, I made a run for it towards the door. He clawed his nails on my right ankle making me lose my balance as I flew forward hitting the door with my nose. I heard it crack first then pain consumed it. I yelled loudly as Aaron twirled me forcefully.  

"You're not leaving!" He growled like an angry tiger as he tried hastily clawing his way up towards me. I froze in fear. His eyes, lost in rage. Thinking fast, I started to kick myself free from his heavy grasp, it only made him cling on to me even more. I kicked forcefully and with all my strength, but I could feel it futile. He huffed furiously. I struggled as I groaned. 

I manage to get my left leg out from beneath him and without thinking it I began stomping my show full at his face. Once, twice and didn't stop until he left me go. I heard an unnatural crack as he howled in rage. He cringed, but didn't let me go. I saw blood running down is nose like a faucet turned on.  

"GET OFF OF ME!!!!!!!!!!!" I screamed at him as he groaned in pain. I brought my leg forward towards me as I used all my strength and stomped one last time towards his face. He blinked once; twice as he closed his eyes as if he were about to go to sleep then slumped to his side unconscious. I quickly rose up to my feet wobbly and scared as I pressed myself against on the door.  

My heart sank deeply. 

What do I do?! What do I do?! What happens when he wakes up?! Questions quickly chained me and filled inside of me like a cup being served with water. Without knowing it my left hand touched the doorknob. Adrenaline rushed inside my body for fear he would wake up in any minute. I dared not to think what he could do to me. 

I spun around and frantically tried to budge door the open. I could feel tension and fear crawling underneath my skin. How I wanted to wake up in my bed -to realize this was all a nightmare.  

I was scared to death. Tears spilled out from the corner of my eyes. I sobbed loudly. 

"Please, please," I begged. The key! I stopped dead as the thought popped into my mind. Aaron must have the key!  

I spun around and squatted down towards Aaron unconscious body. I trembled in fear. 

What if he wakes up?! No I mustn't think. Quickly through trembling hands I darted my hands towards his front pockets.  

I slipped my right hand into his left pocket and sure enough they were there. I could hear my own breaths huffing loudly. I was scared.  

The keys jiggled as I pulled them out. I stood up and threw myself at the door while inserting the key to open the door then stopped everything just as I was about yank open the door. 

I stopped to listen. 

A grunt. 

I could feel sweat pouring down on the back of my neck.  

My imagination, I repeated through my head. No it wasn't... 

Another grunt louder this time. Aaron woke up.  

My eyes widen as I yanked open the door. No, no, no, NO! 

I bolted down towards the stairs. I could imagine Aaron chasing me.  

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