v. character study (pt 1.)

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she is broken glass,
all shattered shards and jagged edges waiting for someone cut to themselves. she cannot be put back together, because she's already been broken, and no amount of adhesive and desperate aspiration will fix her. anyone who tries will end up bloodied and disappointed.

she is a loaded weapon,
dangerous and deadly in how unpredictable she is. she is the gun and everyone else plays a lifelong game of russian roulette, except instead of just one bullet, the chamber is fully loaded. they are left waiting for someone to pull the trigger.

she is a knife,
freshly sharpened and ready to cut. anyone who comes too close will reap the consequences. she is too sharp to ever be dull, too lethal to ever be safe. every time she attempts to soften for somebody, she ends up twisting the blade in deeper.

so she stops trying.

she stops letting people get close enough to touch.

and why should she? why should she, when she can't trust that even she herself will remain unscathed by her own heart, let alone that some undeserving victim will.

she figures she's not worth it. (she's right.)

at this point, there is more fire in her veins than blood. the rage that ignited inside her all those years ago has been gradually seeping through every layer, and now she can't smell anything but burnt flesh.

maybe some people were just destined to be destructive. maybe she's just one of the unlucky ones.

it's fine. she's long since accepted her fate.


until he appears in the kitchen at her friend's roommate's house party. she knows, from the moment green meets brown, that she'll need to steer clear of him. she knows better than to lie to herself, knows even she won't be able to fight against the temptation that he presents.

(he looks broken enough without her help.)

but he touches her shoulder, and he doesn't cut himself.

he touches the rest of her, and he doesn't cut himself, and she doesn't twist the blade.

with him, it seems, there is no blade to twist.

that's what makes him so damn dangerous.

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