Chapter 21 (1st Draft)

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*Media pic is of Second Beta Arn in his fur.

Troy surprised Lucas and Jules both when he suddenly brought up their dead Second Beta. It was not as if the two had forgotten about him or the attack. Lucas was still investigating the entire incident quietly at Troy's request. It was just that somehow they had overlooked or ignored the possibility that his attack might ultimately affect how Penn perceived Troy and the pack as a whole. There was no doubt that she loved the pups and would do anything for them - kill for them - but what did she feel about the Orthos pack?

Troy interrupted their thoughts by continuing on saying, "I still don't understand why Arn attacked her that first day. It doesn't make any sense. He knew, like the rest of us that you'd invited her here along with the children." He was addressing Lucas, who had extended Penn the invitation to come and stay until the pups were settled the day he met her in the woods.

Troy continued, "Arn knew she was a guest. He knew she was under our protection. Even if we didn't like it," he added looking squarely at Lucas and reminding his First Beta that he had given her the invitation without consulting Troy on the matter. It wasn't a sore spot between them. But, the unexpected invitation might help to explain some general level of hostility towards Penn when she arrived. 

"However, " Troy continued, as he expressed his thoughts and confusion aloud, "even if no one wanted a rogue here in the pack, Arn knew attacking her for no reason was forbidden. He took such a huge risk because, if he'd killed her, which I'm sure he was confident he could, he would have been severely punished. He had to known his actions would lead me to strip him of his title and demote him. Why would he take such a risk? Why was attacking her worth ruining his career and reputation in the pack?" he asked  Lucas and Jules, despite not expecting a reply from either.

Agitated, Troy began pacing back and forth between his desk and the fireplace.

"Have you found anything out Lucas?"

He stopped pacing long enough to look his First Beta directly in the eye. "Did his mate say anything? Has anyone else come forward with information?"

He hadn't pressed Lucas for answers before now because he knew the man hadn't had enough time to find any. But, Troy felt an urgency now to get to the bottom of Arn's attack - before Penn slipped through his fingers.

Lucas shook his head 'no'. He'd spent the past week trying to figure out this very mystery. He'd had Arn's blood checked for any poisons, drugs or other substances that might have accounted for his strange behaviour. There was nothing out of the ordinary he was told a few days later.

He then sat down and talked for several hours with the man's mate just the other day, after giving her a week to mourn in private, but she was just as surprised and perplexed as everyone else. He asked if she'd been aware of any changes in his routine, attitude or even affections in the past month to 12 months but she could not think of a thing. She couldn't name one thing that was out of the ordinary that gave her cause to pause and wonder about him.

Lucas felt she was genuinely confused by her mate's behaviour and truly unable to account for it. He did encourage her, if anything came to mind over the next few days and weeks, to tell him right away. Even the smallest of details might be useful, he encouraged her. She agreed, but didn't seem very hopeful she'd be able to shed any light on what had happened.

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