Chapter 24 (1st Draft)

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*Media pic is of the six elders.

Penn was more than a bit baffled to see the grey-haired elders engaging companionably with the pups. It seemed that they were comforting them and had helped to settle the children down. When Penn took in the elders' expressions, their faces were full of understanding and compassion, and the children appeared to respond positively to the old ones.

The friendly and supportive atmosphere was a relief to Penn, and she let out a pent up breath. Though she couldn't be sure of a warm welcome herself, she was grateful to witness that the pups were being treated well and that the elders had not trampled on their feelings. Especially, given that the youth were in such a vulnerable state.

Her perusal of the general scene was interrupted when she caught sight of Alpha Troy. He was sitting on one of the couches, facing her, with Ace and Jacob on either side of him. Both boys were dressed now and they sat with their heads bowed a little and their shoulders sloped downward indicating they still felt miserable about what had happened. But Troy an arm around young man's shoulder and his body language was relaxed.

Penn was pleased to see that he'd went out into the Common Room, found the boys and set them apart to encourage or council them. She couldn't be sure which had taken place. But, she could see, from Ace and Jacob's demeanours that he had not scolded them and made them feel worse. The two looked less downcast then when she'd left them twenty minutes ago and Penn sighed with some satisfaction.

Alpha Troy must have felt her eyes on him because he suddenly looked up and right at her. Penn gave him a thankful smile. In response, he squeezed the boys shoulders and indicated that they should look up. Penn watched them look up with dread as their eyes fell on her and then her hands. Penn smiled reassuringly at them and moved forward to greet them while they put their heads back down in shame.

"Come boys," Troy said gently but firmly as he let go of them and rose from the couch.

The boys looked at each other briefly as they got up and followed their Alpha. The three came forward, Ace and Jacob both flanking Troy, and stopped just two feet from Penn. Troy folded his hands behind his back and cleared his throat a little.

Without needing to be prompted further, both boys bowed at the waist and in unison said, "What we did was shameful. We will never do it again. Please forgive us."

Penn smiled lovingly down at the two bent heads and stepped forward. With her bandaged hands she touched first Ace's head and gave it a little kiss. Then she did the same for Jacob before saying with great sincerity, "There is nothing to forgive and all is well between you both and I."

The two responded in unison by breaking their bow and throwing their arms around Penn. She laughed good naturedly as the unexpected force of their embrace nearly unbalanced her. She then wrapped her arms about them both, as best she could, and gave them a corresponding squeeze.

A moment later she asked with concern, "Have you settled your differences? Is all well?"

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