[Connor X Reader]: Yes, I love you

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First One Shot, Yee!!!


It was quiet in your lab..

You started typing away on your digital laptop in your office, your eyes glued to the see-through screen as you tried to send an email to one of your co-workers about the whole deviant situation.

After getting a reply from the same co-worker you emailed, a chime sounded from your laptop, as your eyes quickly darted to the top of the screen where a new email appeared from someone you had least expected.

Amanda Stern

Working for Cyberlife had it's times where new models for androids were being requested, soon provided. To try to better the lives of humanity, but to only discriminate androids as their own inferior people. Even though you disliked the use of androids being mistreated, one particular one had caught your eye.

You continued to look at the screen as you ignored your the email your co-worker sent, clearing your head from the earlier thoughts you had.

You clicked on Amanda's email as you prepared yourself for something you didn't expect.

To: Y/n L/n
From: Amanda Stern

Please urgently meet me in the garden for a private conversation about model RK800.


"Connor?.. What has Connor done to be specifically mentioned?" You questioned yourself, mostly on your part of being the creator of Connor's model.

You knew Amanda had a thing for Connor being the 'perfect' android that must always obey. But it started to occur to you that Connor was showing a much different side to him.

A side of disobedience.

You knew something was happening to him when he came back to Cyberlife with more reports of failed missions. And it was taking a toll on his future.

Soon it would be yours next, for some unfortunate reason you had 'fallen' in love with the android. After months of repairing him, restoring his memory to to new Connor models, to answering all his personal about his emotions or about you.

Connor may be one of your concerns, but you were sure she was going to make you do something that you heavenly regret.

You sighed quietly as you turned off your laptop and got up from your slouching position. Starting to stretch out ache from your limb's after sitting in that uncomfortable position.

Knowing you were gonna come back later, you decided on just leaving everything and just grabbing your phone that was resting by your laptop, just charging there with a few annoying vibrations being heard from it.

"Lights Off." On que, the lights around you shut off instantly, leaving you in complete darkness as you took short strides towards your door. And soon left your lab.


As the elevator came to a stop, you waved bye to one of the Cyberlife guards as you walked off. Walking until till you saw the sunlight peeking through the windows.

Your walking slows down as you stand in front of the door that leads straight into the garden, a place that Amanda took care of and stayed here for comfort.

You didn't know much about the garden or why a garden was located at place filled with only technology and science at it's finest.

You cleared your mind as you walked through the screen door, the various plants and trees there being visable as you walked a couple feet on the pathed dirt. From a short distance you could see a small figure moving around slowly, tending to the roses.

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