Angel part 3

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You had just moved into your and cesar new home, the treehouse and it was pretty large. You were happy incase you needed to stretch your wings out, you had brought couple things. From the church to your new home with cesar, you were so excited about it and as well cesar . but he didn't show it as much as you did, at the night you were on the large circle wooden bed with thick bear fur blankets. And also deer fur blankets, and couple pillows on the bed also,  i was reading a book that brought back here i was deeply enjoying it.

You heard the door open and close and footsteps,  you knew that cesar coming home. From another council meeting he had with the council, in the maurice, rocket and koba , luca was in it. They pretty much talked about the village and the growth of the village also. you really didn't know what else went in these council meeting that went on but you kept reading your book. You were so deeply sucked into his book that you didn't hear cesar come in the bedroom. You were really sucked into the page turning book, than you felt a pair of hands on your back.

Where your tattoo marks, of your wings on my shoulder blades and your started to feel. Cesar, ticking your back. You began to giggle as you did your wings came out, it was for a while until cesar stop, you saw him while finishing up laughing. As you did your wings wrapped around your body, as this happen, cesar sat down next to you. When you stop laughing your wings went back into their tattoo mode. Than you kiss cesar, than he spoke " i" than cesar kiss you than you began to cuddled with cesar also you felt joy within cesar arms.

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