Chapter eleven

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Jerome was having a blast in Arkham. He was totally in control of everyone, even the guards. He and Oswald had gone at each other like crazy. Oswald tried to talk to Jerome about Elena, but he just couldn't break through. Jerome had put up a wall inside his mind and it stopped every memory of her from entering. And the person that was building this wall even higher was the psychologist, Jane Queen. She had 100% convinced Jerome that Elena was long gone. The police had given her the job of convincing Jerome she was dead, but she had pushed it so much further. But why?

"So do you miss him?" Jane asked and smiled like she always did.

"Oswald? God, no. Sure he was fun for entertainment, but that blabbermouth of his just never shut up." Jerome said and Jane nodded.

"So you're not feeling lonely?" she asked and Jerome smirked.

"I have you, don't I?" he flirted and you could see her blush. 

"Oh, J." she said and giggled.

"Well, that was it for today's session." She said almost sounding disappointed. Jerome took her hand and kissed the top of it.

"Until next time, Doc." he said and winked. Jane was smiling so much and just nodded.

Jerome exited the office and went to the common room. As he entered everybody greeted him with a smile on their face. Jerome really felt like a celebrity and didn't mind the attention at all. He jumped down on his seat at his regular table.

"Hello fellow lunatics and idiots." he said smiling.

"Hi, boss. How are you feeling?" Ronnie asked. Ronnie was a big Italian man who got locked up for torturing a man after he pulled a "your momma" joke on him. And that's just something you just don't do on an Italian. Surprisingly he was one of Jerome's biggest followers, even though Jerome murderer his own mother.

"I'm fantastic! Before breakfast I even got to stab that annoying crier that have kept me up at night. Like I need my beauty sleep, this" he said and pointed at his face, "This doesn't just happen over night. Some people are just so rude, right?" Jerome said and everyone nodded.

"But boss, aren't you worried now that Cobblepot has escaped?" Ronnie asked sounding concerned. Jerome rolled his eyes and stood up from the table. He grabbed Ronnie's chubby cheeks and pinched them so hard his lips pouted.

"Ronnie, stupid little Ronnie. If I was worried, you would know. So stop mentioning that little penguin, mkay? I'm having a good day and you don't want to get on my bad side." Jerome said and Ronnie nodded nervously. Jerome smiled and gave him a little smack on the cheek.

"And also, I'm not far behind him. After being in here for, what is it, the third time now? I don't know I've lost count. Anyways the point is, I'm tired of this place. And I have a card up my sleeve that will help me escape." he said and grinned as he saw Jane passing by smiling at him from the other side of the bars. He winked at her and he could see her lighten up. Ronnie looked at Jane then back at Jerome.

"The psychologist? How is she any help?" he asked. Jerome turned to him with a smile. 

"How do you get the ladies, hm?" Jerome asked throwing his hands out waiting for an answer. Ronnie looked clueless. He shrugged his shoulders and shook his head.

"I dunno, buy em stuff, feed em?" he said and Jerome rolled his eyes.

"Charm, you moron." Jerome said and Ronnie looked embarrassed.

"Jerome." The scarecrow, aka Jonathan Crane said as he came up behind Jerome. Jerome flinched as he saw him. The mask he was wearing wasn't exactly flattering, and you never got used to it. Then Jerome laughed and shook his head while placing his hands on his waist.

Creating a killer 2 » Jerome Valeska Fanfiction SequelOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora