Chapter twenty seven

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Elena and the others drove the van to the location Jerome and Freeze was in picking up Jerome's dad. Butch parked in a back alley as they waited. Elena used a phone to check out how she looked. Firefly raised an eyebrow at her.

"What are you doing?" She asked.

"Hm? Oh just freshing up. Gotta look good when I meet Jerome's dad you know." Elena said and checked her teeth for any food. 

"Um yeah, aren't Jerome going to kill him tho?" Firefly asked.

"Yeah, but duh-uh, he has to have a nice image of me as he leaves this earth." Elena explained and Firefly rolled her eyes. 

After a while Jerome and Freeze approached the van. They were dragging with them a elder man dressed in a suit. He seemed to be stumbling a lot for some reason. Elena got excited and threw the door open with a smile.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Valeska! I'm Elena, but obviously you can see that." she said waiting for a response. But he just looked around himself looking confused. His lip was bleeding and it was clear Jerome had have some fun with him.

"Um, yeah, he can't. He's actually blind this old fool." Jerome said and dragged him into the van. 

"Blind? Well that's an disappointment." Elena said and closed the door behind Freeze. Jerome handcuffed his dad to the ceiling. 

"I know right? He won't ever see how beautiful you are." Jerome said and Elena smiled widely at him.

"Jerome..." His father said quietly. Jerome rolled his eyes and turned to him.

"What?" He spat at him. 

"You don't have to do this..."

Jerome laughed hysterically before turning back to his father.

"You remember Kansas City, Dad? The circus went through town every spring right around my birthday. And there was this guy. Him and my mom used to drink and fornicate and beat the crap out of me. They'd make a whole night out of it." Jerome said as he placed his hands into his pockets and started walking around his father.

"And I remember one time, it was my ninth birthday, him and my mom had just finished round one of boozing, boning, beating up Jerome, and were deciding to take a little break." he continued. By now Elena had started tightening her fists in anger. Hearing about Jerome's past always made her so angry. And to think here she was actually trying to look good for a first impression for him.

"Anyways, I was outside the trailer, and you were there. And you said, "Why are you crying, Jerome?" Then I said, "It's my birthday. And my mom and the snake guy are beating me." and then you said, "This world doesn't care about you or anyone else, Jerome. Better to realize that now." And that was it." Jerome said with a pause as he was standing with his back facing the others. Elena was speechless, how could anyone treat such an amazing person like Jerome so badly? He deserved the entire world. Then Jerome turned around and hurried up to his father as he stared him in the eyes.

"And now you tell me I don't have to do this?" He said and stared at his father for a second before suddenly he burst out laughing again.

"Now that is a good joke. You almost had me there. Now, enough dilly dally, we have work to do." Jerome said and turned to the others.

"Let's get this thing on the road, eh? We can't keep the Mayor waiting, now that would be rude." He joked which made Elena chuckle. Jerome started talking to Jonathan and Jervis when Elena sneaked up to Paul. She leaned into his ear and whispered: "I'll make sure you die slowly." and grinned as his jaw dropped.

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