Chapter thirteen

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Elena was sitting on the roof of the warehouse with Addy. It was a cool and chill spot they had made up there. It was only a couple of couches, but it was a perfect place to talk while enjoying the view of Gotham. Finally Elena could relax for a bit without worrying about everything that was going on. She missed Bruce for sure, but she couldn't trust him anymore. Not after finding out he had lied to her. The only person she felt was telling the truth was Selina.

"Did she answer?" Addy asked. Elena sighed and shook her head.

"No...But I left a message telling her where I am. I hope she'll come." Elena said and Addy could tell she got more stressed thinking about it. So she slid over and padded Elena's back to comfort her.

"I'm sure she will. I've known Selina for years and she just can't stay away from mysteries like you." Addy said and chuckled.

"Hey, how's those flashbacks been?" She asked curious while sliding her hand back into her lap. Elena had told her than even though she had no memory, she had been getting these intense flashbacks. It was always something crazy that happened that she just couldn't connect to a normal person's every day. So, just so no one would believe she was crazy, Elena kept out the details of her flashbacks. Except from the guy who always appeared for some reason. But the flashbacks had just became more and more clear now, just like a memory. 

"They're getting worse. I see this shadow of this guy. He's tall, has red hair and he always has this wide grin on his face. But the thing that gets to me is his laugh. It's so scary makes me calm. Is weird, right?" Elena asks as she looks over at Addy who nods in agreement. 

"Yeah, it..." she started but stopped as she let out a short kind of confusing chuckle, "It almost sounds like you're describing Jerome Valeska." she said and then her eyes widened and her smile disappeared completely.

"What?" Elena asked as she noticed Addy getting a concerned expression on her face.

"Oh my god..." Addy said and stood up looking at Elena with her jaw dropped.

"You're the Elena..." she said and Elena was so confused.

"What? I don't understand..." Elena said and stood up, but Addy just instantly backed away from her.

"Addy please, what's going on?" Elena asked really concerned.

"You're a murderer!" she shouted and Elena could feel her breath being taken away just as that word escaped her lips. 

"Addy..." Elena said thinking she had found out about the man by the docks. Ooh, had she just known what Addy really meant. Addy started to run against the door that lead downstairs. Elena ran after her while shouting, "Addy, Addy wait!".

Addy ran through the door and quickly locked it behind her. Elena grabbed the handle and tried to open it.

"What? Addy, please! I didn't mean to kill him!" Elena shouted through the door. Addy was running downstairs trying to get away form Elena. Her heart beat was raising so fast as the realized she had spent the last day with the known murderer Elena, aka the girlfriend of the deranged psychopath Jerome Valeska. She reached downstairs and ran around the corner ready to warn everybody about Elena when a hand flew in front of her face making her crash her head back into the ground.

"Ow! What the hell?" she shouted but gasped as she opened her eyes. Over her stood an inmate from Arkham staring at her with a sinister look on his face. He grabbed her by her jacket and forced her up from the floor. She tried to scream but he placed his hand over her mouth. He dragged her with him as she tried so kick him in order to get loose.

"Jerome! I got another one." the man said and dragged her around to face him. Her eyes widened and they filled up with tears as she saw all her friends standing on their knees with their hands tied up. They all look terrified, and with good reason. She had never been as terrified in her entire life as she was when Jerome turned around to face her. 

"Hello there. I'm looking for a special someone and your friends here, well..." he said and got out of the way revealing her best friend bleeding from Jerome's hit across his face.

"They're not so cooperative." he finished. Addy's eyes widened and she screamed as she tried to get loose again. But the guy who was holding here was too strong.

"Oh, a feisty one." Jerome said and laughed.

"Let them go!" she shouted as she growled at him. Jerome quickly walked up to her and pinched her cheeks as he stared her in the eyes. She quickly shut up and she didn't even dare to breathe.

"Nobody needs to get hurt, mkay? You just tell me where Elena is and I'll let them go, simple as that." he said and smiled. Tears ran down her cheeks and onto Jerome's hand. The warmth of her tears made him feel good. He enjoyed seeing her this afraid, it meant it was working.

"She's on the roof. I locked the door so she couldn't get out."

Jerome's smile faded very quickly. He let go of her cheeks and straightened his back not taking his eyes from her.

"Now why would you do that?" he asked calm.

"She's a murdered! I didn't want to risk my friends getting hurt!" she said and Jerome just stared at her for a second.

"Well, they're safe, so you don't have to worry about that." he said walking away and she could hear there was a meaning behind what he said so she frowned. But before she could even ask he turned around while pulling out his gun and shot her in the head, making the blood splash all over her tied up friends.

"But nobody locks my baby out on the roof." he said and everybody screamed and tried to get loose. Jerome made sure the inmates kept everyone in place as he started to walk upstairs to the roof.


Bruce, Barbara and Selina were facing the inmates from Arkham that Jerome had ordered to keep them from leaving. There were probably around seven or eight of them just waiting for a good reason to kill them.

"What do we do?" Bruce whispered to Selina. She just smirked and leaned down which made Bruce look at her in confusion.

"What we do best." she replied just before jumping forward kicking one of them in the stomach so hard he flew backwards and fell to the ground. Barbara quickly grabbed a bottle from the bar and smashed one of them in the head making him pass out. And suddenly they were knocking them out one by one. Bruce just stood there in shock watching them go at it. It only took under a minute before all of them were laying on the ground lifeless. Barbara and Selina stood up looking at each other smirking. Then the door flew open and the girls were quick with grabbing the person coming threw it and threw him to the ground thinking it was another inmate.

"Bloody hell, let go off me or I swear there will be a blood bath!" he shouted and Bruce ran over.

"Alfred? Let go off him!" Bruce said and they did as he said. Alfred quickly stood up fixing his tie and laying down his messy hair.

"Not a warm welcome I'll tell you that." he wined before he noticed all the inmates lying on the ground making his jaw drop.

"What on earth happened here? Are you okay, Master Bruce?" Alfred asked concerned.

"It was Jerome and his goons. He came looking for Elena and now he's on his way to get her. We have to stop him Alfred!"

"Let's go Bruce, we don't have much time! Selina shouted as she and Barbara ran for it. Bruce looked at Alfred with a serious expression.

"Please Alfred, I can't just let him take her." he begged. Alfred sighed as he looked at the floor. Bruce expected him to yell at him or something like he did on the phone. Then Alfred looked back up at him.

"Then why are we just standing here? Let's go!" He said and they ran after Selina and Barbara.

Short chapter, I know. Just needed you to know what was going on in the mean time. But trust me, things are getting interesting.


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