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"How long are you going to watch the tv? Don't forget to lock the gate before you sleep." Your dad said with a solemn face on before entering his room.

That was his natural face but he somehow looked scarier since that event.

"Okay.." you replied then turned the tv off. It was getting late anyway and you'd to wake up early for work.

As you got up and walked out to lock the gate, your skin was greeted with a cold wind making you shivered a little. You were about to lock the gate when you noticed that it had been locked.

You immediately facepalmed as you just remembered that Daniel had already went out to lock it. And he did tell you.

"Kang Seren~"

You jumped in shock because of the strange deep voice coming from behind you. Just like what you'd expected, he came back. You looked up to the wall and there he was.

"You came out to see me, right?" The mysterious masked man said. His voice sounded very deep because of the mask he was wearing.

"No, I'm just locking the gate." You responded, fast.

The man giggled, "Seren-ah, you're so adorable."

"Who are you to act as if we are close?" A frown began to spread across your face.

"Well, we were close 20 years ago." He stated.

The moment he let that out of his mouth, you were sure, that he was no other than that person.

"Are you perhaps... my Anpanman?"


He laughed.

"Sorry, you sound so childish. I can't help myself but to laugh at you. But yes, I am."

Your face brightened up a bit, excited that you could meet him again after two decades. He was your bestfriend, who used to play with you every single day.

But then one day, he left. On a very important day.

The reason was uknown. His face, name, no longer existed in your memory. All left about him was, he once claimed himself as your Anpanman.

"I have so much to ask you..."

"Am I single? Yes." He said in a very confident way.

"Just kidding, ask me anything."

"Why did you leave exactly on my birthday?"

All of a sudden, everything halted. The wind stopped blowing, sounds of leaves vibrating from the trees also had came to a halt. Only silence filled the air. He didn't expect that question. He had the answer, but he kept it inside.

"You didn't come to my birthday party. I told my friends that my Anpanman was coming, but you didn't come. They thought I was a liar, so they bullied me until I moved to another school." You said, fingers fidgeting. The dark memories started flashing in.

"Since then, I hate Anpanman."

That statement, tore him apart. He heaved a sigh, surprised to hear that from you. "Sorry."

"It's okay. Past is past though." You laughed, but that dark past was still haunting you.

Everything became quiet again but wasn't as long as before.


You raised your eyebrows to him, "Em?"

"Do you hate me?" He asked with an obvious tone of guilt.

"No, not anymore." You softly smiled. Making him blamed himself wasn't your intention, you just wanted to share that story with him.

You could clearly hear him chuckled, sounding very pleased indeed.

"I'm glad to hear that because.." he paused before saying something that he'd always wanted to say to you.

"..I love you."

My Superhero Anpanman || Park JiminOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz