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It had been a week since the last time you visited their cafe. Jimin wished he could fix everything between the two of you, but it was hard to do so if you were not coming to the cafe. He would like to apologize to you properly, face to face.

So, he asked Daniel for help.

"I said I don't wanna go there!" You slammed your fists on the table and made some stuffs jump including Daniel.

He cleared his throat, eyes blinked. Still not giving up to convince you. He couldn't let Jimin down. "I know that you miss them. Come on, you won't be able to see them again after you get married with Seong—"

"Don't say his name." You groaned and sealed his mouth in an instant.

He found you scary these days that he couldn't even fight you back. However, that didn't mean that he would give up just like that.

"I know that you are avoiding Jimin, and he knows that too." He tried to soften up this time.

You didn't respond to him and just kept on listening.

"Jimin wants to talk to you so bad. He knew he did something wrong. So please, just give that poor guy a chance to do so."

His soothing expression was directed towards you, eyes glimmered with hope. Unfortunately, you were not responding. Daniel being determined he was, already trying to think for another way to convince you until you suddenly spoke up,

"Are you going to the cafe for lunch today?"

-Bangtan Cafe-

"Seren! Long time no see." Jungkook ran towards you with his arms wide open only to get kicked by Jimin —with that short leg of his.

Jimin was really glad that you were finally setting your foot on the cafe again, but then when he saw someone appearing behind Daniel, his mood changed drastically.

He didn't want to admit it, but he disliked that guy.

Jimin quickly shook his head to clear the thoughts away and led the three of you to an empty table. Seongwoo's appearance had not only ruined his mood but also destroyed his plan to talk to you personally.

After the three of you settled down, Jimin was about to take your orders when Seongwoo suddenly cut him off.

"Jimin-ssi, can I use that small stage over there?" He pointed at the small stage in the middle of the cafe.

"Of course."

"Nice," he stood up and asked Jimin to play the song that he wanted to perform.

Jimin didn't wanna do what he said, but he couldn't decline his request as he was also one of their customers. And it was his priority to satisfy each of them.

Once Seongwoo bravely stepped on the small stage, everyone in the cafe clapped their hands as there weren't many who had that much courage to go up there and take the mic like him.

"Good afternoon everyone, my name is Ong Seongwoo and I would like to dedicate this song to Kang Seren." He smiled as he pointed his finger towards you, grabbing everyone's attentions in an instant.

The song then started to play, and Seongwoo began to perform That's What I Like.

For the whole time, your cheeks were heating up in embarrassment. Nearly every pair of eyes in that place were on you and Seongwoo, many of them warmly admiring. He looked cool.

Meanwhile, Jimin just queitly watched the scene. He reassured himself, that he could actually do better than him. But when would he be able to prove it?

One minute and thirteen seconds later, the song finally came to an end followed with a big round of applause.

"Today, I would like to confess something," he said while catching his breath, eyes glued on you.

Everyone was staring at him with anticipation.

"I'll be marrying Kang Seren next month."

People were clapping and cheering at his sudden statement. In their eyes, you were the luckiest woman there at the moment but not for you. You weren't that pleased to hear that.

Jimin and Taehyung then exchanged looks with each other at the breaking news. Jimin couldn't stand it anymore and left into the kitchen. His heart broke into pieces.

"Coming here just makes everything worse." You muttered under your breath.

Some people who were sitting near your table even congratulated you and Seongwoo as if you were sure to marry him.


That night, you went out to lock the gate and saw Anpan already waiting at his usual place.

"Are you really going to marry him?" That, was the first question he gave you.

You sighed, "I don't know."

"Do you have someone you like right now?"

"I do, and he's not Seongwoo." You replied as you leaned your back against the wall before looking up at him.

"Anpan, please show me your face. It's been 2 months." You tried to plead him.

He stayed quiet at first before answering you, "You won't look at me the same way anymore once I take this mask off."

Yes, that's what had been holding him back from revealing his identity. He feared the changes that might happen.

"I will still like you no matter how you look." You softened up and then you could clearly hear him giggling.

"You don't know how happy I am to hear that, but I have one other reason why I can't expose myself to you."

"Anpan, if you take your mask off now.." you paused to take a deep breath before proceeding,

"..I will marry you instead of Seongwoo."

He turned speechless immediately as he couldn't believe what he just heard, it was indeed such a big opportunity for him. He didn't know how desperate you were until he saw tears bubbling your eyes and soon rolling down your cheeks.

"Please, save me." You cried as you looked at him in desperation. He was your only hope at the moment.

His hand automatically reached for the mask. His hand was shaking, unsure if it would be the right thing to do.

*Will she like my face? Will everything get better between the two of us? Am I ready? Will everything be alright?*

Many things raced through his mind.

Finally, the mask was getting loose revealing his skin a bit. He was glowing in the moonlight and you knew he had a beautiful face.

But before you could see his entire face, he attached the mask back. Something came up to his mind which stopped him from continuing.

"I'm so sorry." He sighed.

"I would like to marry you, but—"

"Forget it." You cut him off while wiping your tears.

You then rushed inside, ignoring him who was constantly calling for your name. Even Anpan couldn't help you.

Since then, both of you had stopped seeing each other.

My Superhero Anpanman || Park JiminTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang