Chapter 4-Let it out

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*not yet*


I went upstairs going from door to door silently until I found the master bedroom

I look to my left and right to make sure noone was coming and went in closing the door behind me.

She came out the bathroom with a robe on without even noticing I was here and went to the closet

"So...married huh?"I startled her and she turned around

"Grayson get out of here and yes I'm married"She said

"No invitation"I said and crossed my arms

"I didn't want to see you and I still don't so for the last time get out"She said

"But Rose it wa-"
"I don't care"she cuts me off

"Just listen to me"I approached her and grabbed both her forearm
"Don't Touch Me"she grunted angrily and slapped me across the face really hard and went back in the bathroom
So much for me trying to explain

I held my jaw and decided to just leave.I walked out the room and went back downstairs to the guys but didn't see Ethan

"Where's Ethan?"I questioned
"Oh he went to his car to get something but he'll be back"I nodded

"Hey Isaac can I use your phone real quick mine is dead and I have to make a call"

"Uhh sure"He goes in his pocket and gets his phone
"Thanks"I grab his phone and step outside
What an Ass

I went through his contacts to find Rose and he had her labeled as
I'm gonna throw-up

I pressed her contact and took my phone out putting her number in

"What are you doing"Ethan said as he was coming towards me

"Nothing Ethan damn"I say annoyed

"You're one bad fucking liar you know that right its obvious you're stealing Rose's number"

"How is it obvious?"

"You have two phones in your hand do the math"He said and walked back in the house

I saved her number in and went back in the house
"Here's your phone Isaac"I said and put it on the table
"I have to leave thanks for dinner and sorry for leaving on a short notice but I really have to go"I said and Ethan just looked at me shaking his head

"That's fine I'll see you around buddy"

I just let it go and left the house
I couldn't be there any longer if I couldn't talk to Rose


I came out the bathroom checking to see if he was gone and he was.
Thank God

I can't believe he had the actual nerve to come in here.It's pathetic just like him.

I got dressed and watched TV until Isaac came in
"Are they gone?"I asked as I flipped through the channels

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