Chapter 17-So Close

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The sound of her heart beating in my ear made it easier for me to wake up. I slowly open my eyes and Bryan,Carls,and Ethan were standing over me with their arms crossed

I let out a deep sigh and closed my eyes because they're probably thinking I'm a bad friend except Ethan because he knows what's going on between Rose and I and he knows our history

"Isn't that Isaac's wife?"Bryan said and I didn't answer due to them judging me

"Dude not cool"Carls added in shaking his head from side to side

"Guys listen-"

"No Grayson we're not going to listen you slept with your friend's wife you don't see how fucked up that is?"Bryan said and I eased off Rose's sleeping body trying my very best not to wake her

Once,I was up I walked the guys further away from Rose so she wouldn't wake

"Let's get something clear Isaac is NOT my friend so no I don't think its fucked up" I say carelessly and put my hands in the pockets on my sweats

"What!?"Bryan said confused

"Ugh I guess I'm not speaking english
No me gusta Isaac"I say

"We heard you the first time you ass"Carls said and I rolled my eyes

"Ugh Rose is Grayson's ex from two years ago but Gray never got over her and neither did she obviously so boom here they are in love with each other and sneaking around hoping not to get caught"Ethan blurted out with annoyance in his voice

"Wow thanks a fucking lot E"I say

"You are so welcome Grayson"Ethan says smiling

"Well then we'll talk about this later but you better hurry up before Isa-"

"Hey you guys out here" I heard from afar

We all froze in our attention and quickly ran to stop Isaac from seeing Rose sleeping

I've never ran so fast a day in my life other than today.We made it to Isaac just inches away before he was close enough to see her

"Heeeey Isaac what's up Good Morning how are you feeling? Are you doing okay?"I said probably being awkward

"I'm feeling a bit hungover but have you seen Rose anywhere I can't find her"He said

Of course she's over there and if you're asking why is because I slept with her don't worry we didn't fuck again :)

"No I haven't seen her at all today but check the house again its pretty big so she could be anywhere"I lied

"Yea she has to be in there just look around"Bryan said

"Ok I'll go look"Isaac said and turned around walking back to the house

"Go follow him and make sure he doesn't come back I'll handle Rose"I said and they left as well

I rushed over to Rose in a hurry
"Rose"I said and started shaking her roughly from side to side to wake her up quicker

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