I Am Crazy

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Who knew I would end up in this situation.

I should have known. Every choice I made after that day led me to this point.

Did I regret it? Did I regret leaving my normal, peaceful and average life?


Even if it led me to this, to my death, it also allowed me to save my friend. To love and live like I never did and be happier than I ever was.

I truly had a good life.

Now, I feel empty. As if all my energy and spirit was drained and the darkness filled that space. But I also feel glad and satisfied with the choices I've made.

My mouth moved into a smile and a tear rolled down my cheek.

Wait! My mouth moved. I can move!

I tried to move my arm but was unsuccessful.

Then I tried my leg.

Still nothing.

I decided to go for something that needed less energy and tried to open my eyes but failed, once again.

I was clearly too weak for that, but at least the effect of whatever was injected into me was slowly fading. I just needed to wait.

From time to time, I could hear steps getting closer and then moving away. The silence left was filled every second with water drops falling into what sounded like metal.

As I finally managed to open my eyes I saw a dimmed light illuminating metal bars in front of me. I could see the humidity on the concrete floor and as I looked up I could see the water drops falling from a pipe.

With the help of my shaking arms, I got up into a sitting position.

Soon enough the steps I once heard were back, accompanied this time by a shadow that stopped in front of my cell.

"I see you're awake. Took you long enough," spoke a deep and intimidating voice I knew.

I looked up to see him standing behind the bars. The same purple veins and killer eyes I've seen before.

I let out a snort. "You must really love me. First, you attack me, and my friend, and now you kidnaped me? I have to say that this is a sick way to show your love for me," I managed to say. "Are you one of those psychopath stalkers or something?"

"Feisty, aren't you? Do you think that's smart? Don't you realize that you're a prisoner? That I could easily kill you?"

"Then just kill me. Why won't you?"

"If it was up to me, you would be already six feet under," he spat. "However, the boss needs you alive. For now, at least."

"Great, that will give time for my friends to find me."

He laughed. "No one will ever find you here, Kitty Cat." He walked away, still laughing and I just wanted to run to the bars and call him out.

However, I was still weak, so I just shout out, "You just wait and see asshole!"

"You know he's right," a small female voice said from my right.

I didn't realize there was another cell next to mine until then. I turned around to see the frail woman sitting against the wall of her cell just like me.

"What do you mean?"

"Your friends. They won't find you. I know it's difficult to hear, but trust me when I say they won't be able to save you, even if they want to."

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