This is the End

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Eleonor was dead. Maxwell got his revenge.

After the battle, the Hunters Order took Eleonor's body and cremated it, the same procedure they used with all of our fallen enemies, while the survivors were transported to the hospital.

Adrian was unconscious when they took him and the officer that tried to handcuff Eleonor had third-degree burns but would survive. Overall, I was the luckiest of them all, only feeling a slight pain compared to them. There were a lot of deadly victims but more people were saved by the field medical teams.

A week later, the government made a public event to honor the people who died in combat. We weren't only honoring our fallen heroes but also Eleonor's victims who were transformed into monsters and compelled to kill. The cries accompanied the symphony played by the violins. A wall was raised in the town center with the names our heroes sculpted in it.

"I can't believe it's all over," I whispered, making Adrian place his arm around my shoulders and pull me close before placing a soft kiss on my temple.

"Me neither. It's bittersweet huh? We won and yet we also lost."

I couldn't agree more with him, we lost so many brothers and sisters that day that our victory didn't give us happiness or pride. The people, however, were proud of us and grateful as they didn't understand that, while the families of the dead were the ones suffering the most. No words, no gestures and no honor could soften their pain.

Some Weirdos escaped the battlefield as soon as they realized they were losing while others surrender. Some of them were crying for mercy, others from relief that they no longer had to end innocent lives. I pitied them, they were not as strong as Max and were easily manipulated to fight us, and some were even controlled by a spell to follow Eleonor's orders.

They were taken to the Order where they would be lock up and receive treatment until their trial. It was later ruled that they were as many victims as the people they killed, however, since Max got a conscience and was able to fight against Eleonor's orders it was decided that they were also capable to make a conscious choice and choose to follow her. For this, they were sentenced to five years on parole.

Adrian's company started to develop a treatment to reverse the Weirdo's state, or at least reduce the symptoms and allowed me to join his team of researchers. We didn't know if we would be able to find a way to turn them back to 'normal', but we wanted to do our best to help them be accepted by the society that fears them.

Some Weirdos joined the Brotherhood which has become a new special force that worked alongside the Hunters Order, however, we had to release our prisoners so they would be judged by the law. This time things were different and justice was made as the laws changed and the people's pressure force judges to take responsibility and make it difficult for corruption to take place.

A year later everything was calmer, we were back at Adrian's manor laughing and living a somewhat carefree life, but we never forgot those we had lost.

"Have you decided what you will do with the sword yet?" Adrian asked me while we were snuggling on the couch.

"I know William and his family were threatened because of the sword but I wanted to keep it close in case we need it."

"I don't think will need it anymore though."

"Eleonor said that it wouldn't end with her and others want justice, so I can't help but believe that at some points new threats would come."

"You shouldn't worry about what Eleonor said, she's gone, and until now nothing happened that would suggest she was telling the truth."

"Well in any case it can also be useful to the Brotherhood's missions"

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