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After a half-an-hour drive, we arrived at a small road surrounded by trees. Igor said it led to the orphanage. The jeep stopped and we got out. It was decided that we would walk the rest of the course to avoid making noise and give out our position. After a few minutes, the trees disappeared and let space to an old building. It looked like it could crumble at any moment. The walls were full of cracks, some windows were broken and one of them was surrounded by a soot stain.

We didn't move forward, afraid that someone would spot us from the windows. We walked around to see if there was a more discreet entrance, but we weren't lucky. The only ways in were the front and back doors. We went back to our initial positions and informed the other teams. Everyone spread out to surround the decaying building. We started walking in as we did in the forest.

A loud noise was heard from the left and everything we had planned went to flames. We could hear a fight on that zone.

A Weirdo probably got to them.

Everyone started running towards the door except for a small group that joined the fight to assist our companions. That was our first mistake: leaving a flank open.

The noise did not call only our attention but also warned our enemies inside the building. As we ran hundreds of Weirdos jumped from the windows to fight us. The flames of my sword burned all the flesh that appeared in front of me while I kept running towards the door. My only aim was Eleonor.

I could hear screams of pain, punches hitting bones, blades cutting and guns firing, but couldn't see what was happening around me, who was screaming, who was falling and who was standing. As far as I knew I could be the last survivor from my team. Every time a Weirdo appeared, I would move automatically, that was until I felt a force pulling me from behind and throwing me back.

My body smashed the ground and I felt small stones trying to pierce my skin at the impact. I didn't have time to process what was happening as a big monster jumped on me. I only had time to lift my forearms on my chest to protect me and repel the being that was trying to bit me. His breath was almost as deadly as his sharp fangs.

I could see the sword next to me, but couldn't reach it as my arms were my only shield. I manage to destabilize the Weirdo and he fell on the sword. The metal burned him and he jumped away in pain. I could see the humanity in him. I didn't want to kill him, but I knew it was a question of 'kill or be killed'.

I took the sword in my hand and got up to finish it. I felt dizzy so when he lunged at me, I wasn't able to use my sword properly and he disarmed me. I quickly glance at where the sword was laying and when he charged again, I dodged his attack by sliding on the ground in direction of the sword. I took the sword and was about to turn and kill him when he grabbed me from behind. I dropped the sword instantly.

He's fast.

I could feel his nasty breath on my neck as he was strangling me. I tried to free myself by kicking him and grabbing his arms, but it was useless. With every second it became harder to breathe and I could feel my soul wanting to leave my body. As a last resource, I tried to jump forward. I used all the strength I had and luckily managed to destabilize him again. We both fell near the sword and I stretched to grab it. He was still holding me by the neck and pulled back as he realized I was going for my weapon. I used my legs to bring the sword closer as he was suffocating me and managed to bring it close enough to take it in my hand. I was able to cut his forearm gaining a piercing scream and freeing myself. I turned around and pierced his heart before he could do anything else.

I sat on the ground recovering my breath and energy. I used this time to look at the battlefield. I was so focused on Eleonor and surviving that I didn't realize I was surrounded by lifeless bodies. The whole field was covered with bodies, both allies, and enemies. It was a massacre.

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