Chapter 3: I Don't Want to Transmigrate into a Different World! (3)

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Author's Note:

I bet all of you are thinking about nasty things when you guys saw the title of the chapter. *wiggles eyebrows*

Unfortunately, that won't happen until maybe.... past chapter 15? If I ever get past chapter 15. 

Anyway, if you saw me reposting the previous chapters later, that's because Editor-chan had gone through and helped me fixed the mistakes I made on grammar and some other things. Just thinking back to all of my mistakes were rather embarrassing.

Author's Note 03/19/2023:

Whelp, 19 chapters, 2 extras, and we're still nowhere close to the nasty bits of the novel XD. Let's see after errr *looks at plot notes* 30 chapters. That's our goal now XD

Original chapter title was: Please Let me Bathe!


It was a rare occurrence for Tanaka to wake up without the help of his family or friends. Or to wake up willingly in general.

Though Tanaka understood the importance of food and exercise... Even though logically, scientifically, health-wise, sleeping all hours of the day was not healthy or good for his body, and not eating or moving around would only make his lethargy worse.....



........ What was his point again? Ah, he almost fell right back to sleep. The gentle rocking motion was making him drowsy...

Tanaka realized rather belatedly that someone was holding him. In his sleep-idled mind, he concluded that the person was probably his older brother, Daichi. It could also be his dad, but Daichi was noticeably more muscular while their father had a layer of fat to lay on.

Daichi had always been the fittest among the three Maki siblings, probably because ever since Tanaka was a baby, his older brother had always carried him around in his arms. Part of his laziness was probably Daichi's fault because the other would not put him down even after he turned... Well, even as an adult, Tanaka had the habit of going to Daichi whenever he didn't want to walk or move anymore. And his nii-san would indulge him no matter how many times Nanami had yelled at him for spoiling their youngest.

("It's your fault that it took him another year and a half to learn how to walk!" Nanami had once accused Daichi, which no one could really disagree with. The oldest son of the Maki's really did carry Tanaka around so much that the youngest of the Maki siblings had almost forgotten how to crawl.)

Completely safe and relaxed in the grip of his older brother, Tanaka dozed off once again, a little bit more aware that he was being carried to his room, only...

Though Tanaka didn't mind sleeping in Daichi's arms, it was taking the other quite some time to head into his room and place him on the bed. Was Daichi... just not planning on letting him go? When they were young, Daichi would carry him all the time, but now Tanaka is a fully grown man. Even if he's shorter and smaller than the average Japanese male, there was no way Daichi could hold him for that long.

Either way, since it was really not Tanaka's problem and since he was not the one doing all the work, Tanaka continued to lay in his arm and shifted his head to bury his face into the other's shoulder. He took a deep breath--

...It's not Daichi's scent. There's no scent of lavender and warm milk and honey and cinnamon mixed in with his natural musk. It's not even his tou-san's scent, who smelled like oak wood and green tea and lavender as well. This scent is more... spice-- like paprika and turmeric and cumin. Very strong spices. Not gentle like his nii-san's and his tou-san's. It's definitely male, judging by the musky smell, but the earthy scent on the other's skin is very distinctive...

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