Chapter 6: I Don't Want to Study (3)

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Author's Note:

I'm sooo sorry! I meant to post this chapter up days ago but unfortunately, I got sick. Like, badly.

An innocent sore throat turned into a 103 F degree flu overnight; accompanied with chills, muscle aches, nausea, the reappearance of my dinner (twice), and a near heart attack from my aunt. It came all too suddenly, in the freakin' busiest time of the semester, and I have no tears left to cry seeing how much work I have to get done regardless if I fell sick or not.

I can hear the virus incubating in my body laughing at my misery. Stupid virus.

Anyway, I'm feeling a lot better so I'm mentally able to post up this chapter. This particular chapter is nice and long and I'll actually be posting up the next chapter quite soon after making some additional adjustments to it.

This is actually a very informative chapter. I'm terribly sorry if you guys get confused or muddled-headed by the end of it. Editor-chan demanded that I write up some fluff at the end of this chapter so that I could reward you guys for sticking with me for as long as you did.


Despite the lectures, the warnings, the threats, and the 'punishments' (all given by either his professors or his father), Tanaka didn't change much of anything in his general routine. He still slept during class or sometimes skipped them all together. He kept up with his regular sleep schedule (which consisted of 18+ hours of sleep in combination with nap-times) and practically avoided everything that had to do with school work at home. The only thing that was different was that he had started turning in his school assignments, but that was it.

Clarisse had never seen her young master study or read his textbook even once and when she had confronted his teachers, they had told her with obvious irritation that the youngest Rosetta had been using their notes and assigned books as a pillow during their lectures.

Knowing that she could never force her young master to do anything he didn't want to do, she found herself helpless and distraught.

Then her young master came back from school on Freyja day (Friday) with his report card in his small, unblemished hands. He gave it to her so willingly, that she was startled. Much to her complete disbelief, as she took the piece of paper and looked down at the scores, she saw the letter grade 'A' written under every single subject except for 'Practical,' which of course got an 'F'. It was such a big jump from his efforts (or lack of efforts) from last week that it was almost jarring to see.

At first, Tanaka's professor had also thought that his scores were unbelievable-- meaning they thought he had cheated. A letter grade on a sheet of paper doesn't tell much of his placement in the class but if Tanaka wasn't always failing the practicals, with his recent scores, he would be number 1 in his grade. He made perfect scores on every test except for the practicals and that was what made him very suspicious.

When the results were finalized, all of his professors had summoned him to the teacher's lounge. Immediately, the majority of them had accused him of cheating. Tanaka, not wanting to stay in the academy for long because of the thick layer of magic surrounding the area, especially closed spaces like the lounge, recited every question and the answer to every question that was on the exams. And considering that there were five separate exams for five separate subjects, his professors found themselves speechless.

With no other proof other than their prejudice and his former scores, they had no choice but to let him go with sour hearts. It almost made them want to cough out blood knowing that the five-tiered student who had been sleeping their lectures and skipping their classes had been deemed innocent and allowed to keep his perfect scores. They could only be satisfied with the fact that his rank would never rise due to his performance on the practical. He would always be in the lower percentile because of it.

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