Chapter 11: I Just Want to Sleep (2)

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Author's Note:

*sees all the hateful comments about the Rosetta family and cackles*

Aw, you guys are so cute. I'm not saying that the Rosetta's are perfect, angel-like saints. I'm not trying to excuse any of their previous wrong-doings. They obviously have their faults. I just don't want them to be these typical, short-lived, one-hit cannon fodder characters.

I know that the majority of you adore Tanaka, but the original Thomas as a young kid was an ass, lolololol. No, that doesn't make up for the father's or mother's attitude, but just wanted to let you know no one is the villain or the hero in this family. Everyone is just, unfortunately, utterly human. That's why they're not cannon fodders-- cannon fodders are very simple to write and implement into the storyline. No need to consider they have family and friends and we can all assume that everyone hates them or dislike them in some way >.>.

Think of it like Wei Wuxian. He was a big-ass mess, but he was also a really good person. But he's human like everyone else and he makes mistakes (a lot of mistakes-- mistakes that he almost doesn't recover from) and everyone else (*coughs* Jin Guangyao *coughs*) around him don't know how to make good choices either (namely Jin Guangshan).

To be fair, I'm pretty sure that if there is anyone perfect in that GDC, then it's either Lan Wangji or Lan Yuan, but I'm biased when it came to the Lan boys. I'm pretty sure Lan Wangji has plenty of faults, but I just refuse to see them, lolololol.

(Half of you probably don't know who or what I'm talking about, so don't worry about it lol)

Anyway, I noticed that some of you were complaining about the 'lack' of fluff content (including Editor-chan! I never felt so betrayed)! I guess my sense of fluff is not the same as everyone, but if I stuff your mouths and noses with fluff until you suffocate with this chapter, you can't complain!

This time, I had Editor-chan measure the level of fluff in this chapter!

A Public Service Announcement from Editor-chan:

[As Editor-Chan, I can hereby state that this chapter had received optimal fluff given the previous' transgressions. And coming from someone who had just watched GOT  (Game of Thrones) episode 3, this was very much provided a relief from the roller coaster emotions I was feeling beforehand.]


Evadne Academy was located far into the inner city area, which was full of man-made buildings and stone pathways, but the Founder believed that the best environment to cultivate magical energy would be through its source-- which was the earth itself. Therefore he dedicated acres and acres of the surrounding neighborhood to create a forest garden almost as grand as the Royal Gardens itself.

The mid-region of Astria experienced very mild winters, so the trees and grasses had always been green. Even as Edward looked outside of the windows and tried to look past the leaves and branches, the actual city itself seemed very far and out of reach.

Early mornings in the academy were one of the few times he could have some piece. Every other young noble would be either in the classrooms or in the salons, and most of them weren't idle enough to walk around the gardens in their free time. The nobles enrolled in the academy were raised in the city with barely any experience having their shoes muddy or soiled beyond swordsmanship training, so the majority of them didn't feel comfortable walking outside as well.

There were plenty of benches (probably around 47 of them if Edward had counted correctly), but half of them probably had never been used or even been sat upon. Maybe it was rather silly of him to spend some of his morning exploring the academy grounds trying to find these lost benches, sitting down on the polished wood and either staring at whatever was in front of him or closing his eyes to close himself from the rest of the world (focusing only the sounds of nature -the singing birds, the rustling leaves, and the gentle winds- and the warm rays again his skin) until it was time for his first lesson of the day.

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