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I twist. And turn. And sigh. Sit up. Lay down again. Close my eyes. Open them. Nervously run my fingers through my hair. Throw a hand in the air. Grumble. Start whining. But the noise keeps on coming back. It's almost the full moon and I feel hot. AND THERE IS A MOSQUITO IN MY ROOM. I'm going crazy. The thing won't stop. And every time I turn on the light there are no signs of it anymore. I'm persuaded it was sent by the devil himself to torture me. Who invented such an annoying insect. The thing doesn't have any purpose in life except ruining my nights. It's the most irritating living being I've ever encountered. Worst than an angry dragon or a vengeful dwarf.

I should have asked Leila to bring the picture of Ralph and me to show Jared. Maybe it's not too late.

In any case right now I'm losing the last shred of sanity I hold because of a stupid-tiny-unnerving-hungry-bloodsucking mosquito.

I, the ferocious Beast of the Sun, Death incarnated, the strongest of the wolves, have been defeated by the relentless back and forth routine of a two-centimeter-little thing.

It itches everywhere and I can't help scratching my skin. Almost to blood. That's probably why the vampire keeps coming back.

I get out of my bed and out in the corridor before I decide to start a fire to get rid of it definitely.

I left Nate in the kitchen and got back to bed only one hour ago and I'm still sleepy. I usually don't run around at four in the morning. I decide to pay a visit to the beta, there is no reason whatsoever for me to be the only uncomfortable one. I scrape at his door, use a haunted voice to call his name but in the silence I can hear his loud snores. I think the guy could sleep in any situation. I walk to the next rooms and an idea comes to mind. I've had the opportunity to learn where Gabe's room is in the last couple of days. Quietly I go to the kitchens and start to fill a bucket with ice, honey, mustard and eggs. Every sticky thing I can find really. I walk on my tiptoes and open his door an inch to place the bucket over it so that it'll fall on him tomorrow morning.

More than proud of myself I watch the master piece for a while before walking off again. My feet drag me involuntarily to Nate's room. I listen in. I distinctly hear him breathe evenly and there are no other sounds coming from inside.

No Cory.

The tension in my bones eases a little.

'What now ?'

I don't know.

I look at the door fixing the waves of the wood without seeing them. And then I can't stop myself.

"Nate..." I whimper.

'What are you doing ?!' My wolf hisses.

I hear him get up quickly the next second. At least he is not deaf like his beta.

'Run.' My wolf orders.


His footsteps are heavy as he walks to the door.

"Hope ?" He asks as he opens his door. "What's wrong ?"

He is wearing simple shorts, falling really low on his hips and I marvel at the sight. My brains stop functioning. Overheat. His eyes travel down my body and flash yellow. It's even more enticing in the dark. I look at my clothes ; a tight shirt and shorts.

Why don't I ever think before acting ? This outfit is ridiculous.

"There is a mosquito in my room." I explain myself whining.

"And ?" He asks amused, the tiredness leaving his features.

"What do I do ?"

"Kill it. What do you usually do ?"

When the Sun meets the MoonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя