
11.3K 661 354

This was an amazing journey I took with all of you and the Wattpad community. When I first started this story I never thought so many people would want to read it and ask for more every week. It became a really important part of my life as I grew a little along my characters. I laughed and cried and got angry at every part.

So I want to thank you for your support. Thank you for your votes and comments but more than anything thank you for just reading this story. Thank you for loving Hope and her amazing wolf, thank you for getting angry at Nate every time he got cocky. Because in the end there is only a Queen.

My heart has felt heavy for a few weeks now as I realized that the end was nearing. I wasn't ready to part ways with these crazy wolves and beasts yet and I don't think I will ever truly be. It broke my heart to say goodbye to Jared, and I'm sorry for all of the people that loved him and his relationship with Hope just as much as I did. As the story went on he became the best friend I knew would always support her no matter what. Even though they kept arguing they trusted each other more than anyone else.

I am really glad you liked this story and read it to the end.

Thank you.


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