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I groaned as I hear a heavy knock on my door. I snuggle closer to Orianna trying to drown out the sound of the loud banging.

"Alpha! Are you woke!?" I growled as he banged louder and added his loud voice thinking he wasn't already making enough noise.

I was getting ready to dismiss him until Orianna jumped out of her sleep because of the booming ruckus outside of my room. She turned to me worriedly as she heard the banging become louder.

"You should answer it... seems like something serious." I sighed in response, but groggily got up and walked over to the door. The banging immediately stopped and I was met with a panicked looking Shea. I instantly woke up and was on high alert.

"What happened?" I asked frantically.

"Another.... two.... blood.... outside." Shea said breathlessly.

"Make a complete sentence." I demanded.

He took in a deep breath and tried talking again. "W-we found two more dead wolves outside. They were closer to the house too... about 15 yards away." And that was it, I lost my cool again.

I pushed Shea aside and ran outside to see the damage that had been done. No shoes, messy hair, and pajamas. I couldn't care about my appearance when five of my pack members have died in the last two days.

When I walked outside onto the wet grass, I immediately saw the two bodies. They were in their wolf form, which meant they put up a fight, but it just wasn't enough to save them. It was the same concept from yesterday's killings, but much worst. I looked at the bodies in sadness, fury, guilt, and worry. I had no clue on what to do or say to my pack to reassure them of their safety. I wasn't even sure about my safety at this moment.

I gave one last look at the bodies before I ran back into the house, but I ran over to Orianna's room instead of mine. I busted open the door pulling it fully off the hinges, then I went over to her closet and pulled out a bag and grabbed a huge chunk of her clothes.

I walked back over to her bed and started angrily stuffing the bag with all her stuff. I could hear her small footsteps get closer to the room as more and more loud growls exited my mouth.

"Akai, what are you doing?" She said worriedly as she watched me put her things into the small bag quickly. "Stop!" She called out as she walked behind me, trying to pull at my arms to get me to look at her.

"You need to stop it!" I growled out. "I'm trying to ensure your safety." I turned to her for a quick second before I walked over to her bathroom and started pulling out her stuff. When I came back she had pulled out almost all the clothes I had already put into her bag. I let out a warning growl as I walked over to her and put everything right back into the bag.

"Akai, stop this right now and talk to me!" I let out an angry huff, but turned to her. "Why are you doing this? What's gotten into you?" She grabbed for my arm, but I took a small step back.

"Two more pack members died, okay? It was pretty close to the pack house too. When rogues come to destroy a pack... who do you think they'll come for first? You! The Luna of the pack because you're a weak point. They know without you, I'll be broken down and not able to defend my pack. I don't need that happening, so I'm sending you back to your pack where I know you'll be protected by hundreds more wolves." She let out a long sigh. I didn't wait for her response as I began stuffing more of her things into the bag.

"Akai," Her voice was softer now. She was coming at me in a different approach. It still wouldn't change my mind though "I am safe. I'm safe wherever you are. The Luna is not supposed to runaway whenever war comes, no, she stays and makes the pack stronger. Don't let the anger and frustration cloud your judgement... I'll be better off here." At some point she had gently grabbed the side of my face and softly caressed it as she continued speaking. Her words resonated with me on a certain level- a primal level, but I still wasn't past my own ideas of how I'd keep her safe. It was an internal battle, but I knew what was best for our situation and I would make sure that overruled whatever else I was thinking.

"Yeah, we're mates and I'm the Alpha, but I can't always protect you. Everything you said might be true, but ultimately they won't keep you 100 percent safe. My mind is made up." I glanced at her a quick second, then I scooped up her bag and started walking out the door.

"This is a coward move!" She shouted angrily as I made my way out of the room. At that I stopped and stood in the broken doorway with my tense back still turned to her.

"If being a coward protects you better than me acting all invincible, then so be it." And with that I walked out her room and stared putting all her stuff into my car.


"You sure this is what you want?" Shea asked as he looked at me through the open window in my car. Orianna sat in the passenger seat with a permanent scowl on her face. She would get over it.

"Yes. Drive straight there and come right back, if her family ask any questions, just make up a lie." Shea nodded, then he put the key in and started the car.

"You know I'm doing this for your protection and wellbeing. I wouldn't be making you leave if I felt that I had any other choices that would keep you safer. I want you safe at all times, so when this is all figured out, I can run back into your arms and kiss you senseless." Her scowl slightly turned into a slight smirk... progress. I walked over to her and gentle placed my hand under her chin, lifting her head so she could look into my eyes. "I'll make sure to get this done as fast as possible, so I can get you back home. Call me as soon as you get there, baby." I pecked her forehead quickly as Shea put the car in drive and started driving away down the dirt road. "I love you, Lupita!" She looked out the window giving me a look that I couldn't determine what the main emotion was. I would miss her, but all of this is to make sure that I'm able to spend the rest of my life with her...peacefully. It will all work out in the end.

I watched the car speed down the road. Dirt flew everywhere, but I kept my eyes glued on my girl. I just kept telling myself that this was the right decision and everything was going to be fine, but the more I had to convince myself of this, the more I felt wrong about it. I don't know if it was the leaving part or something my intuition was telling. I couldn't let that stop me, her pack will keep her safe, I had to believe that. I'll try to have her home before a week even passes, so I'm not poking at any danger that might be threatening to come her way.

I let out a heavy sigh as the car now left my line of vision. I ran my hand through my messy hair, then I slowly walked back into my pack feeling all types of empty.

She would be safe. Everything's going to be alright... hopefully.


And she's off to the safety of her pack. I wonder how that's going to go.

Hopefully there's only about five more chapters in this book (may be more, may be less). In the next chapter I think I'm going to stir up some drama (wink wink), which will be the last drama of this book (YAY), so I'll only have to write the cleanup afterwards which won't take long.

Also I just noticed that I don't have a lot of wolf stuff in this book such as; shifting, running, and fighting in wolf form. I should probably add more (even though the book is about to end) since this is a 'werewolf' book. Did you guys notice or it didn't really matter to you? Let me know.

Anywho, bye💓

Dream, my little mateDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora