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I let out a soft whine as I ran over to his still body. He had shifted into his human form because his injuries were so bad. Blood littered his body like a first layer of skin. The very sight of him made my cries grow louder and more pained. I needed him to be okay.

Even though he was out cold, his face still held the pain and hurt of each hit made to his body. From a rational and logical standpoint... he wasn't going to make it. The healing process could only go so fast, but with the damage he had, it would probably take at least 3 days to heal, but he didn't have 3 days left in him. He was holding on now, but I don't think it'll last for much longer.

Akai's father came running over once he seen his son unconscious on the ground. He was at my side in less than a second examining Akai and Wren's body. He checked both their bodies, but he never told how badly they were hurt or if they'll even make it out alive. He probably didn't want to stress me out more than I already am. They were both chewed, bitten, ripped open, and just tortured.

I didn't even get to examines Wren body fully, but from what I could see, he was just about as wounded as Akai. His weren't as severe as Akai's because I think my mom had her pack stop their attacks on Wren earlier than they did with Akai.

Akai's father shifted into human form and started screaming for someone to help the two men lying next to me. I couldn't do anything other then whine and cry and hope that they'll open their eyes and everything will be alright.

This was all my fault. I decided to just randomly fight in a battle when I barely even knew any combat skills. Shea told me, I would only make it harder for them, but I didn't want to listen. I wanted to feel like I was needed or that I helped in some way, but instead I could've possibly killed my mate and best friend. All of this over some rebellious and self-worth thing.

Four big man came running out the pack house towards us. When they finally reached us, they put each man on a separate gurney and carried them back to the pack doctor where hopefully they'll both make it out alive.

I watched them carry them quickly back to the pack house. Their bodies laid perfectly still on the carriers as they moved swiftly through the plain. I watched them until my eyes filled with water and I couldn't see anymore. That was suppose to be me.

"Shift back, please." Akai's father soft voice entered my ears and almost made me feel comforted. It was so soft, caring, and warm. Which I didn't expect at all from his stern exterior.

I shifted back into my human form and his dad was sitting right next to me with a comforting smile on his face.

"Just know it's not your fault, sweetheart. They chose to help you, even though they knew the risk of doing so. You have to believe they'll make it out alive, because if you don't, then they'll start to feel that energy and just give up. That's your mate in there and I presume the other guy is your brother or something; you need them, just as much as they need you. Stop crying, get yourself together, and go support your family." His words spoke value to my soul. I didn't want to, but everything about him made me want to smile.

I thought our first meeting would be weird, especially with the situation we met in, but he was the sweetest, but most demanding person I knew.

I shocked both of us by wrapping my arms around his neck and hugging the crap out of him. It was nice to know I had someone there for me, even though we weren't family and we barely knew each other, he still took the time to lift me up when I was the cause of his son being in that state. He gave me hope to see another day and I'm most definitely jealous Akai got to grow up with a father like him.

"Thank you, Alpha..." I said as I finally pulled away from him.

"Just call me Julien."

"Thank you, Julien" we both smiled at each other. I could already tell we were going to be super close when everything went back to normal.

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