Chapter 4

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Audrey awoke in the middle of the night and clutched her stomach. Once she was lucid enough, she realized she had to get to a bathroom right away. As soon as she made it to the bathroom, all of last night's dinner came rushing out. Grossed out, she rinsed her mouth out, wiped her eyes, and slowly walked back to bed.

Audrey's mom came in and checked on her before work the next morning and left her a list of emergency numbers, wishing her well.

Audrey spent that day and the next one watching some of her favorite movies and reading, sipping on a water and occasionally trying to eat a saltine cracker or two.

By Wednesday, she was finally starting to feel better and hoped she'd be able to get out of the house the next day- she was going stir crazy.

That evening, Audrey got a text on her phone from an unknown number.


Hey Audrey... so I guess we're a match, huh?

Audrey stared at the text, confused. They obviously didn't have the wrong number, but the message confused her. Besides, she didn't remember giving her phone number to anyone recently. Audrey texted back.

What do you mean?

The Dollar Valentines? We were a match...

Audrey stared at the response for a minute before realization dawned on her. She quickly texted Jade.

Jade Beckett what did you do?!?!??
Why is an unknown number texting me???

So I may have convinced Mrs. Varner that you wanted me to pick up your Dollar Valentines...and then I may have pretended to be you and went to the front office to give your contact information to your number one match...

I am going to kill you!! At least tell me who it is then!

Wait you don't know?

It's not like he opened with his name! He thinks I gave him my number!

Ooh this is good. Yeah I'm definitely not telling you now.

Audrey rolled her eyes and went back to her conversation with the anonymous texter and saw she had received a couple more texts.


Did you not want me to text you? I'm confused.

Audrey sighed and typed out a response.

Sorry I was texting my friend, Jade. I've been sick the past couple days and apparently she thought it'd be funny to give my contact information out for me. Although she says she only gave it to you because you were my number one match. So basically, she knows who you are, but I do not, so would you please tell me? I have a feeling Jade won't be giving me my test results back anytime soon.

Audrey waited for a response, staring at the screen as little bubbles moved, showing her he was typing.

Interesting. Well, I'm sorry your friend gave out your info without your permission, but maybe it's better this way.

Audrey read the message. Then she read it again, confused.

What do you mean by that? "Maybe it's better this way."

I mean that whenever I've tried to talk to you in person, I seemingly lose the ability to form coherent sentences, so maybe the fact that you don't know who I am will help.

Mr. AnonymousWhere stories live. Discover now