Chapter 5

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The next day, Audrey woke up in a great mood. As she got ready for school she even put a little makeup on. When she heard Jade's car horn beeping in front of her house, she practically bounced out the front door to the Jeep.

Jade smiled hugely at her as she climbed in.

"Someone's in a good mood today.... anything to do with your secret admirer??" Jade teased, giggling.

"Oh shut up, Jade." Audrey said, trying but failing to keep the smile off her face.

"You really like him don't you??" Jade raised her eyebrows.

"I don't even know who he is! I can't like someone I don't even know!....unless..." Audrey trailed off hopefully looking to Jade.

"No way!! This is the first time you've shown any interest in a guy since I've met you! I'm not risking potentially ruining it by telling you who it is! Let him tell you when he's ready!" Jade exclaimed as she pulled up to the school.

Audrey sighed. "Fine....but I will figure it out eventually! I've already started a list of clues to his identity!"

Jade just looked at her.

"Of course you would do something nerdy like make a list." Jade stated flatly as she walked towards the school.

Audrey started to protest, offended, when she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She fished it out, staring at the screen.

You know you look really beautiful today...I hope that's okay to say...

Audrey immediately blushed red and tried to hide her smile before Jade questioned her, but she was too late.

"Oh my gosh, he's texting you right now isn't he!!" Jade yelled, taking her phone away from her before she could protest.

"Jade!! Give it back!" Audrey huffed, trying to reach around her to get the phone back. Audrey's panic increased as she heard her phone buzz with new messages and saw Jade responding for her.

"Jade!!" Audrey practically yelled, startling Jade into releasing the phone.

"Geez, it was just a joke, calm down. I just wanted to see what his intentions were with my sweet Auds." Jade responded, a smug look on her face.

Audrey quickly went to her messages and read through their conversation.

I swear I'm not a stalker if that's what you're thinking- I just saw you walking up to the school and thought I'd text you...

relax dude that was a good line
this is Jade, btw
i see Auds told you I gave you her number
gotta say, im surprised u hit her up. Y?

You mean why did I text her?

Yea & hurry she's feisty


I texted her because I've always thought Audrey was special. And I always wanted to get to know her, but she's so beautiful that every time I tried to work up the courage, I'd see her and then everything would just fly out of my brain.

But PLEASE don't tell her who I am. I really want the chance to get to know her and then I'll tell her myself, I promise.

Audrey read through the words quietly to herself as she absentmindedly walked to her locker. She couldn't believe that she had caught anyone's attention at all, let alone to this degree. Audrey had always thought she was basically invisible to everyone but a select few of her classmates. Right before homeroom started, Audrey texted Mr. Anonymous back quickly.

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