Chapter 10

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As soon as she walked in the front door after school, she was picked up off the ground in a hug.

"Austin!!!" Audrey exclaimed, laughing and hugging him back.

"How's my little Audyssey doing?" Austin asked, grinning.

"Again with that? When are you gonna let that go?" Audrey asked though she didn't actually mind the nickname.

"Hmmm... never." Austin replied jumping onto the couch in the living room.

After the siblings had caught up and Audrey had briefly explained the "Mr. Anonymous" situation to him, Audrey's mom stuck her head in from the dining room.

"You two realize that Bill, Diana, and their twins will be here in less than an hour right?" She said, sounding a little stressed.

"Shoot, I better start getting ready then." Audrey said, and ran up the stairs to her room.

She had already picked out her outfit the night before and slipped it on quickly. She wore a blue blouse that accentuated her small waist and was dotted with flowers all in different shades of pink. She wore some light wash skinny jeans with no holes (Mom's orders) and a pair of burgundy flats. She put a little more makeup on and decided to use her curling wand to add a bit more curl to her naturally wavy hair. Just as she finished getting ready and headed down the stairs, the doorbell rang.

"Oh that must be them! Will somebody get that please!" Audrey's mom called out from the kitchen.

Audrey smoothed down her top, took a deep breath, and opened the door.

"Jack?!" She exclaimed as soon as her eyes registered what she was seeing. Jack and Jessie were standing on her front porch staring at her. Behind them, in the driveway, she could see a couple about her parents age standing by a Mercedes Benz talking. She looked back to Jack and Jessie.

"What are you two doing here?" Audrey asked incredulously.

Jessie cleared her throat and spoke up, while Jack continued to stare at Audrey, dumbfounded.

"We're here for some dinner party thing? Our step-dad works with some guy named Todd? Is that your dad?" Jessie stated everything like a question, as though she was suddenly unsure they were at the right house.

Audrey was still confused.

"Todd is my dad, but wait you said "our step-dad?"" Audrey repeated, not understanding. Suddenly her mom's words from before popped into her head as Jessie spoke.

"Yeah?.... Wait, did you not know that we're twins??" she said, gesturing between herself and Jack.

Feeling embarrassed for not figuring it out sooner, Audrey blushed.

"Um... no I didn't know that." Audrey admitted looking at her shoes.

Just then the man at the Mercedes Benz raised his voice slightly to the woman he was speaking with.

"Are those your parents then?" Audrey asked gesturing. "Why are they still by the car?"

Jack and Jessie spoke at the same time.

"They're just talking." Jessie said.

"They're arguing, as always." Jack said, rolling his eyes.

Jessie swatted at his arm.

"We're guests here! Don't tell her that!" Jessie muttered under her breath.

"Why don't you guys come in?" Audrey asked, gesturing into the house.

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