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Since it was only about 10:30, I decided to take Avyn to meet Amber. She had been downstairs in the cafeteria hall eating breakfast with Shana. I was an early bird, so I ate much earlier. Usually Amber had breakfast earlier too, but she slept in late and by that time Shana was going down too, so they went together. Not that it matters too much.

"Alright, Avyn." I glanced at him, stroked his fins. They felt smooth and soft under my palm. "Maybe you can meet some of the other dragons who have hatched already?" I spoke, even though he couldn't understand me.

My mind began drifting for a moment. Most kids' dragons had already hatched. For example, a girl named Diana's crimson red and black egg had hatched into a beautiful, blood-red dragoness that she named Scarlet. Scarlet was feisty already, even though she was barely a day old.

Dylan's egg had hatched too. His dragon, which he named Mytilene, was shiny, and even appeared nearly gelatinous at times. Mytilene had ranging shades of blue across his body, with glassy eyes and a pale chest and belly.

Sean Valus, I kid I didn't really know yet, but had seen before, now had a dragoness named Niendiss. Niendiss literally looked like she was made out of pure gold, and her small scales were like metal.

Avyn, whose eyes were now green (I really have to ask about that), perched on my head, loosely wrapping his tail around my neck. It felt very strange, I have to admit, but definitely not bad. He was like a little brother or something. He fluttered his wings, their pale membranes translucent. He was not yet strong enough to fly, after all he had just hatched less than a half hour ago, but it wouldn't be long before he could support himself enough to fly.

I opened the door to the dorm room and was met with searing pain on the left half of my face. I screeched as if I were the dragon and stumbled back. Avyn immediately jumped off my head and attempted to growl at what I now saw was another dragonet in front of him.

"Ow," I mumbled as I rubbed the side of my face. That was definitely going to bruise.

Avyn's growling sounded like something an angry squirrel would do. I tried not to laugh at my precious little dragonet as he crouched in front of me, wobbly wings spread. His eyes were now purple. 

In front of him crouched a little female dragonet, her scales the color of snow. Her eyes were golden, and they flared at Avyn. Her neck was long, and she was nearly double the size of Avyn.

"I'm so, so sorry about that," Panted a voice. I turned to see a wide boy with a bit of a baby-face catch up to us. He had short, bristly black hair and dark brown eyes.

"She is very fast, and very energetic, too." Explained the boy. He concentrated on something for a second, glaring at the white dragoness, and then she backed down with a small whine.

"It's okay," I smiled at him, and invited Avyn back up to me. This time he settled onto my right shoulder, digging his claws into my shirt, and let his tail drop down the length of my back. Then I kneeled down to pat the white dragonet on her head. She chirped happily. I grinned. Avyn didn't.

"My names Zachary," He said with a friendly tone, "You can call me Zack. And this is my dragon, Mistcatcher. She hatched just a couple hours after I got her egg."

"Wow," I glanced at Mistcatcher, "She's very beautiful. Avyn hatched just thirty minutes ago. I'm actually going to go show my friends him now."

"Well, I'm going down to the cafeteria hall now. We can walk together?" He invited me. "Sure," I responded. "Oh, and my name's Lana."

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