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"Well, well, well." Erridor's voice reminded me of nail's on chalkboard - despicable, annoying, and very difficult to listen to. It scratched and hissed against the air as he formed his words.

"Never thought I'd see you again." His voice sounded bored and drawling.

I turned to see who he was talking about. Aiden, for sure?

"Excuse me, Lana, all these years and I'm not even getting a hello?" Erridor growled. 

"How do you know my name?" My voice was quiet, scared.

"Don't listen to him," Amber's voice sounded next to my ear, "He's just going to mess with you." I glanced behind me. Her blue eyes were wide and troubled, and expressed as much fear as I felt.

But Erridor kept speaking. "My dear, certainly you haven't forgotten your own dad?"

It felt like he had taken a shovel and whacked me on the head with it. "W-what?" I stammered out, confused and yet still trying to even understand what he had just said. I must've misheard him, misunderstood him at the least, and I'm sure my wide eyes gave all that away as Erridor laughed.

"I guess you have," He sighed. "Truly a pity. But what did I expect? I mean, I never told my dear son Aiden that he had a sister, either."

Now it was Aiden's turn to gasp as the realization set in.

"Yes, yes, ask shocked and all that crap, but do you really think I'm lying? What purpose would it serve me to lie anyways?" Erridor waved his hand, rolling his eyes.

I turned to Aiden and we stared at each other in shock and wonder. We were siblings?

"I-If... If you're my dad, how come I don't remember Aiden at all?" I asked, my voice shaky. Somehow, I did believe him. Not only because he had no reason to lie, but also because all his talking was bringing back memories of that same voice from my childhood.

"Oh please, you were both only three years old. How could you possibly remember each other when your measly brains couldn't even comprehend anything? I mean, really, you guys were dumb, even for three year-olds. I guess you're still dumb now. I mean, look where you are. Facing me, the master of all evil, the-" I cut him off and he glared.

"Ok, my mom isn't an idiot. She wouldn't have fallen in love with you, if you're... well, if you're acting like this. So what changed?" I folded my arms, my heart pounding. I still couldn't believe.... Erridor... Aiden... my family?

"There's no need to be rude," Erridor started disdainfully. "Your mother was a wicked woman. She fell for me, yes, when I was still weak. I hadn't yet killed when I met your mother; when I had twin children with her. I slowly morphed into who I am now, and apparently your mother didn't like that, so she divorced me. Unbelievable, isn't it? But I figured I would need at least one of you little monsters, and so I took Aiden with me." He turned to his bewildered son, and my brother.

"Speaking of, what are you doing over there? We can cut the act now. You don't need to pretend that you're on their side any-" Aiden clapped to interrupt him.

"It's not an act anymore, Erridor. It might have been at first but I've changed. These are my real friends now," He turned to me with a smile, "And my sister."

Erridor's mouth gaped for a minute until he closed it with a tight smile.

"Very well then, I guess I'll just have to kill you too." He chuckled darkly.

I turned around, looking for backup. But it was just me, Avyn, Rainsong, Amber, Aiden, Navi, and Thalia (Erberos was wounded and unconscious). And something told me that fighting Erridor wouldn't be easy - just because we had the numbers didn't mean we would come out alive.







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