➢Eye-Opening Realization

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Everyone has a voice. Everyone has a soul. Everyone is equal. Everyone can do anything they desire. Everyone can feel. They have emotions. They can make decisions, agreements, friends, family, and anything they so desire or want. Androids are no different. When they feel emotions, people shun them. The people gave these Androids a name, the ones who can feel. Deviants.

Empathy, love, care, hate, frightened, sad, mad, and any other emotion you feel.

They can do anything. Why should they die?


"Connor, no, that's suicide. You'll end up getting yourself killed."

"It's our best chance at winning. Cyberlife will let me in. There are hundreds of Androids in Cyberlife that we can get on our side."


Connor came up with a plan. He wanted to infiltrate Cyberlife and wake up the Androids within. The government and Cyberlife will have to set the Androids free with the number of deviants on our side.

Markus and Connor were talking about their plans while I was resting on a crate. I was being sensible of my exhaustion. I felt drained. It could've been from the adrenaline I had when I was running with Kara and Alice. Yeah, I think its that.

"-Well, at least tell her what you're going to do and say goodbye because you might not make it."

"-This might be the last time-you'll see-kiss goodbye."

I sighed. Connor might get himself killed if he goes. Connor approached me while I was thinking.



"I need to talk to you in private."

"Sure, Connor."


He led me to another room away from the others for privacy.

"What did you want to talk about?"

He stayed mute. Connor was never this quiet unless something was on his mind or program. He's gained the ability to thoroughly think through everything. It's like he's really human, now.


His hands were by his side. He turned away from me and I was facing the back of him. He still looked the same. The same look, appearance, voice, face, and feeling. God, he still even smelled the same.

"Connor, what did you want to talk about?" I asked falteringly.

He shook his head no, but I didn't believe him at all.


His head lowered and I took a few steps towards him. His body started to shake a little. I could see it, but it was very unnoticeable. I took more steps toward him and placed myself in front of him. His head was still down, so I put my hands on both sides of his face. I pulled his face up slowly but stopped. I felt something on my hands and fingertips. Tears. I pulled his face up fully and looked at him. He was shedding tears with his eyes closed.

"Connor, Sweetie..."

He opened his eyes slowly and looked at me. He put his arm around my waist and pulled me close to him. His leaned his head on my shoulder and wept. His arms squeezed tighter around me and I could barely breathe.

"Connor, that hurts...!"

He let go but then grabbed my neck.


UNHUMAN (Connor X Reader) [RK800]✔Where stories live. Discover now