Bonus Level 72: Get Your Happily Ever After

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Three years later

"So, you'll be back from England in two months?"

I could hear the disappointment in Violet's voice.

I stared out of my car windows, taking in Reynard's shopping district. "Yep. I'm sorry, Curls."

"It's okay," she sighed. "Actually—no it's not, I really miss you."

I grinned. "I miss you more."


My eyes scanned the district, finally locking on two figures emerging from a coffee shop. "Trust me. Curls, I have to go."

She sighed again. "Okay, love you."

I couldn't resist: "Love you more."

"Unlikely." She hung up before I could respond.

I chuckled, slipping out of the car. I strode in the direction of the coffee shop.

Mom was the first to notice me. Her face lit up. She sprinted towards me, squeezing me into a hug.

"We saw each other last week," I laughed.

"I still missed you," she said, pulling back. She squeezed my face. "You look wonderful!"

I ruffled her hair. "You too, mom." I turned to Violet's mom. "Hey Lyla."

She grinned, hugging me too. "You've gotten so handsome!"

Impossibly, mom's grin widened. "Hasn't he?"

"You're so lucky," Lyla said, "both your boys are talented and good-looking. I hope Trey grows up so lucky."

Trey—Violet's little brother.

"Oh," I said, remembering. "Is Asher back yet?"

He'd come to England a few weeks ago, but he was so busy flying around the world, and establishing potentially the most successful business on the planet that he rarely stayed in one place for longer than a second.

"He's flying in tonight," mom said. "Just in time for the party!"

Lyla clapped her hands. "It's going to be so much fun," she gushed.

Mom blinked. "Oh! And look what I found—" Mom pulled a magazine out of her bag, displaying the cover: a picture of me, posing shirtless, 'World's Hottest Artist' scrawled in pink glittery font.

Heat rushed to my face.

Lyla squealed. "Oh my gosh! You look so cute!"

I cringed. "You haven't shown that to Violet have you?"

"I think it's her screen photo," mom admitted.

That's humiliating.

I loved how close my mom and Violet were, but when it came to them sharing embarrassing pictures of me...

I shook my head. Don't think about it.

"Are you guys ready?" I asked.

They nodded, feigning seriousness.

"Okay—" I glanced at my watch "—we'll have to speed walk."

They chatted as we walked. I also loved how close mom and Lyla had gotten. It was sweet that my mom finally had a good friend.

Since they'd become friends, Lyla had practically adopted Asher and I, and our family expanded to include Violet's. Dinners, holidays—we'd gone the whole nine yards. The last three years had been a rollercoaster. But having them, having so many people around me who cared, had made everything possible. I knew, no matter what happened, I had a net to fall back on. I had family I could depend on.

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