Thank You/Review Page

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Final Note

Okay, a couple of announcements before I say my final goodbye for this story:

One: I've entered this story into the Watty Awards, so if you really loved reading this, please vote on all the chapters and share the book with other readers!

Two: I'm considering writing a spin off about Brandt and the girl he fell in love with. What do you guys think? If I decide to write it, it won't be posted till 2019, or 2020, but I have a rough outline for the book.

Three: If you've got time to leave a review of Playing Heart Games (so I can hear what you think and improve on my writing), please scroll down!

And now for the goodbyes ;)

Thank you guys so much for reading this book! I loved reading your comments, your kindness was so appreciated, I was so grateful for your votes, and for your continued readership. Your comments spurred me on to keep posting and the passion you had for the characters and their stories kept me going. Thank you all so much!

It's been an absolute honour to write for you :)

Anyhoo, if you would like to read my future works, follow me and you will receive updates on anything I post.

Last of all,

God bless


Yemi Everest



Feedback is useful, and will help me improve as a writer.

Here's a basic guide to help. Answer all of the following questions in one comment:

1. Positives about the story. What was done well? What did you like?

2. Negatives about the story. What was done badly? What could have been improved?

3. What did you think of the plot? What were the issues? What were the positives?

4. What did you think of the characters? What were the problems? What were the positives?

5. What did you think of the writing style?

6. Was there any point where the book got boring or you lost interest?

7. Who was your favourite character?

Also, remember to say why you felt a certain way. Saying you hated the way I portrayed a particular character isn't helpful, unless you tell me why you hated it.

A single comment should look like this:

1. Ice cream usage throughout the story was incredibly well done. I liked how it was used to represent the complex nature of relationships, blah, blah, blah etc.

2. And so on

3. And so forth

4. Until...

5. All the questions are answered.

Now, anything else can go here 😊 So any other things you want to say that don't fit within the questions.

Thank you so much!

I really appreciate you all :)

Playing Heart GamesWhere stories live. Discover now