Chapter 23

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I just stared at James in horror, who looked as horrified as me. In fact, he was so shocked that he dropped the gun from his hands, on the floor.

I then looked down at my stomach. It was red. I never thought my blood would be so dark. A person could mistake it for black ink or something.

I felt my knees get weak, as I struggled to stand straight.

I subconsciously felt my legs gave up as I closed my eyes, getting ready to die.

This is it. My end. A rather painful one. But I kinda deserved it. After all, I made James a psycho.

I never made contact with the floor. Instead, I felt someone's arms around me.

I opened my eyes, only to stare at Tyler's handsome face etched with worry.

"Stay alive Xandra. Please, for me." He whispered, I could actually see tears in his eyes.

My brother. I am sacrificing my life for him. And I don't regret it. Not a bit.

"I won't survive this, Tay Tay.'' I said, giving Tyler a small sad smile, knowing how much he dislikes Taylor Swift. And hates this nickname. But, Tyler didn't look irritated like how he looked everytime I called him that.

Instead, I saw a single tear escape from one of his eyes.

I never thought I'd ever live to see a day when the strong and amazing Tyler Hudson would cry.

Yet here he was, now crying his eyes out for me on my last day.

"Why did you come in the middle Xandra?! Why?!" I could faintly hear James yell from the background.

"Be-because, I love Tyler. Something, which I never did to you and will never do. Do you know why? Because you are a monster, who killed Jasmin and now that I tried to avenge her death, you're killing me too." I said, still looking at Tyler. He was now crying uncontrollably.

After hearing what I said, James looked more than just angry. He was ready to explode now. He picked his gun again. This time aiming at Tyler. Again.

But Tyler didn't do or said anything. It was as if he was emotionless. Careless. Didn't give a damn about what James was saying. His grey eyes met my hazel ones, as if he wanted to stare deep inside my soul.

"Nothing will happen to you Xandra. I already called the police before you even reached this place. I will save you Xandra, I will." He promised me, just as I could hear the siren car's noise.

I smiled at him as I heard the gun being shot.

I gasped as I opened my eyes, wide open, staring at my room's purple ceiling. Another nightmare.

I sat up on my bed as I remembered what had happened.


I need to stay away from that guy. He's mysterious and dangerous.

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