Chosen - Chapter Four

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Chapter Four

Morning came much too quickly. The activity in the household bubbled over with mirth as we prepared to leave once again, adding in Sir John's family and servants. I dressed as quickly as I could before hurrying to Claude's chambers. She was sitting near the fire with a book as one of the other ladies brought her plate for breakfast.

"Are things ready for departure?" she questioned.

"Yes, Majesty. The horses are being saddled now. Shall you wear your blue riding gown or the green?"

She looked up and cocked her head to the side for a moment. "I think I will wear green today."

"Very well, Madame." I pulled the green gown from a trunk and instructed the others to finish packing away the rest of her belongings.

Before we knew it, everyone was back on their horses and riding toward Calais.

"Will there be enough space for everyone in Calais?" one of the girls asked.

"I heard they're building an entire city just for us!"

"That's exciting."

"I can't wait. King Cassius has some of the finest gentlemen I've seen in his court."

"Do you think any of us will find husbands?"

"I certainly hope so!"

The girls chattered for the entirety of our journey.

As we crested the final hill magnificent towers stood before us. Gasps went up from everyone.

"It's not real," Francis said with a laugh. "They're all made of canvas and wood. Amazing isn't it?"


"Ladies, lets prepare for the banquet."

We followed Claude to a grouping of tents that looked rather unassuming, until you went inside. Everything a queen and her ladies could possibly need was there; beds and chairs, even a tub for bathing.

"It's a bit cramped quarters ladies, but we shall make do for now."

Once we'd changed, we went toward the main banquet tent. The muddy ground gave way to beautiful wood floors. A makeshift fireplace was behind the head table and large candelabra's were set up everywhere. Minstrels played while ladies danced. It was a proper banquet hall.

The heralds announced Francis and Claude who danced with us prior to sitting at their table. They didn't dance often, but when they did it was hard to pay attention to what you were doing. Claude glided around the floor as though she were floating. She was a wonder to watch. As the song ended trumpets sounded again as King Cassius entered the room.

He wore a coat of crimson, trimmed in gold and dark ermine. His trousers matched the crimson of his coat. The crown that rested atop his head looked like the one his father wore throughout his reign. The gold contrasted against the darkness of his hair. Rubies and diamonds encrusted the beautiful headpiece.

"His royal majesty, King Cassius of England and Ireland."

The room dipped into curtsies and bows, except Francis and Claude. I stooped into a low curtsey beside Claude as Cassius approached. I could feel sweat trickle down my back and my mouth was painfully dry.

Everyone stood in unison and I was face-to-face with him.

A wry smile spread across his lips. "Joselyn."

"Your majesty."

"It is very good to see you again." He winked

"It's very nice to see you."

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