Chosen - Epilogue

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The week leading up to my coronation went by rather fast. It took me some time to adjust to the new role I played in the kingdom. No longer did people expect me to sit around quiet and looking pretty, not that I did anyway, I had responsibilities now. The coronation gown hung, waiting for the big day.

I'd asked my cousin, Elizabeth, to act as the primary lady in waiting. She had to be the most put-together person I knew and a natural selection.

"Let's get you ready," she announced that morning.

I took a deep breath and stood. "Okay."

"Are you ready for this?"

"Very much so."

The gold gown weighed much more than any other gown I'd ever owned. She helped curl my hair, putting a few up on the back of my head. A cape clasped to the back of the gown add the finishing piece.

Cassius entered, smiling. He wore matching colors, except his boots were black. The gold crown upon his head shined from the recent polishing. His wedding ring stood out on his bare hands.

"Wife. You look perfect."

I blushed at the sound of him calling me wife. "Thank you, husband."

"Shall we go? The coach awaits to take us to the church."

"Yes, I'm most ready."

Outside a team of white horse stood ready to pull a golden coach. The seats a pure white. A second coach behind waited for my ladies. The footman held the small door open for Cassius and me. He stepped up, turned and held out a hand for me. I took out and sat gingerly beside him.

Pulling away from the castle I was surprised at how many people lined the streets. Banners with my crest and the kings raised high above the roads. The guard rode their black steeds in front and behind

"There are so many people," I exclaimed.

"They're all here to see you."

"Me? Why me?"

"They want to see the beauty of their new queen," he said.

"I just find it so hard to believe they all want to see me."

"The people of our kingdom love their kings' and queens'. It has been some time since they have had a queen."

"I suppose." I smiled and waved to a beautiful little girl who held out an armful of flowers.

Cassius motioned for one of the men on horseback to retrieve them for me. It was a scan bunch of roses, but I cherished them more than the flowers that decorated the church steps in the distance. The carriage came to a stop in front of a wide set of stairs lined with men and ladies in their finest. The footman helped me down as Cassius descended the opposite side.

"Let's go make you a queen."

Cassius led me down the aisle toward two thrones at the front of the holy building. As I ascended the steps over a thousand guns were fired at the Tower, and others were fired at Lime house, and on other ships lying in the Thames. All the monks of Westminster dressed in gold, with thirteen abbots; and after them the king's chapel with four bishops and two archbishops, and all the lords in their parliament robes. My father carried the crown that would adorn my head, and two uncles that were earls held my scepters. I sat beneath a canopy of gold, dressed in a kirtle of crimson which the seamstresses decorated with ermine and a cloak of purple velvet with more ermine on top. Angeline held a coronet made of gold with pearls and stones.

The bishop began his speech, while the king took the coronet from my father. The scepters were placed in either hand and the crown set atop my head. The weight it brought with it was immense. As the great coronation finished we retreated to the great hall at Westminster. Cloth of gold hung as decoration about the hall, a table was set up at the end, elevated above all other tables, where Cassius and I dined; a beautiful silver canopy hung above us. The tables around us were arranged in order of importance and nobility. There were so many nobles. Music drifted throughout the room as we ate.

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