Chosen - Chapter Fifty-Three

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Chapter Fifty-Three

The month that we'd been at sea had given the men time to heal from their wounds. The bruises faded as the days went on and pained ribs eventually gave them relief. Angeline barely left Charles's side as he recovered. Cassius slept most of the time, so I spent a great deal of the voyage on top deck with the crew learning various things about a sailor's life.

It sounded positively dreadful.

The day Portsmouth came into view was a marvelous day. I stood near the bow of the ship as we sliced through the choppy water headed for the dock. We couldn't get there soon enough for me.

"We're home!" I exclaimed.

"Are you happy?" Cassius called to me, emerging from below deck.


"I have a surprise for you once we arrive at Windsor Castle."

"Windsor?" I asked.

He nodded his head and joined me.

"Why are we going to Windsor?"

"It's a surprise."

"What sort of surprise, my love?" I asked, holding onto his arm and resting my head on his shoulder.

"One I'm sure you will enjoy."

The King's carriage sat, waiting for us. A team of majestic horses stood with heads held high, awaiting our return. I didn't feel as majestic as those horses. I felt salty, wet, and disgusting.

"Charles, you will join us?" Cassius asked.

"Yes, sire."

"You and Angeline shall wed at Windsor Castle."

"Windsor? Your majesty, are you certain?" Angeline asked her face flushing.

"Absolutely. After everything you have done for Joselyn and me, I insist." He turned to Robert who was already dozing off. "Your Belle will join us?"

"I sent word to meet us there before we left Venice."

"Good, good."

"You knew we were going?" I asked.

"I am one of the king's oldest friends, of course, I knew," he said, smiling slyly.

I pursed my lips and sat back against the soft velvet. The carriage bumped along the rocky road as we left Portsmouth. The ride to Windsor would seem like a lifetime despite the fact I'd spent a month aboard a ship. Three times. Eight more hours shouldn't seem like much. My mind drifted to what Cassius could possibly have planned.


"What?" Angeline asked.

"My mother is still at Hampton Court."

"I sent word along for her to be taken to Windsor as well," Cassius mumbled. "As much as I don't want her there."

"You sent for my mother? This must be something big."

He reached over and held my hand, closing his eyes. A smile played at my lips as I let my imagination run wild with what he may have planned. My head lolled to the side and fell against his shoulder. Right where it belonged. I must have been more tired than I thought. I awoke sometime later to a great commotion outside of our cramped quarters. I stretched my arms, yawning, and peeked outside. The massive castle of Windsor laid spread before us. Men ran about taking trunks down; unhitch horses, and getting things situated for us.

"We're here!" I squealed, throwing open the door of the carriage.

Without waiting for someone to help me, I climbed down and took long, deep breaths of the English air. The front doors of the beautiful castle flew open and my mother stormed down the stairs in a fury of rage.

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