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"daddddddddy" My eyes pop open to Milyn poking my nose holding her teddy bear to my face. "your teeth baby?" she slowly nods "where's mommy?" "mommy is at work princess, get in." She crawls up on the bed snuggling under me. "Daddy" "Hm." "Do you love mommy?" I look down at her, her eyes is steady on the tv. "Of course I love mommy, what made you ask me that?" "you're never home, it makes mommy sad, i don't like seeing mommy sad" "I'll be home more to keep you and mommy happy" "you promise?" "i never break my promises to my girls" It's that bad that even my 3 year old daughter notices i'm never home. I have to do better, to even know i've upset Yasmine by me not coming home on time I needed to go and see her. "Hey, baby wanna go see mommy at work?" She sits up smiling then grabbing her cheek "ow.." "let's get you some meds first and then we will go see mommy. get her some flowers" We get up and get dressed, stopping on the way to get flowers. Just putting a smile on Yasmine face for the day would make mine.

Entering the building felt like a brand new experience. I barely see the inside of this building anymore after giving everything to Yasmine and Cassie. Everything is different, they changed the office set up. Got carpet on the main floor, cheap ceiling lights are now chandeliers. Yasmine and Cassie turned this into a business that looks like it makes over a million dollars a day. Seeing her name now on my door "Yasmine Black. CEO." I chuckle. "Just to think she was my assistant for two seconds then you came along huh Lyn?" She excitedly grabs the knob opening the door.

"Call the flower place, the decorators, the catering company and let them know I want examples of themes in my office by tomorrow morning and the catering company? I want a menu today Maggie." "Right away Mrs.Black." "Miranda how's that paper work coming along?" "your expenses for the gala haven't even made a dent in your budget, also.. -" Yasmine new assistant turns towards me as Yasmine is still turned in her chair on the phone. Being the man that I am, I went right to her body. Miranda's body is crazy. You can tell she has an ass from the front of her, her face is angelic, her hair is bone straight. She bites her lip looking me up and down, Milyn clears her throat "Who are you?" Hearing her voice Yasmine turns around meeting my eyes. Her eyes light up including her face as she smiles happy to see us. "I'll call you back Patty, you kill the flowers dear." Placing the phone back on the hook she stands up. "Is everything okay?" "Everything is fine babe. We just missed you is all." She kisses my lips. Then kisses Milyn forehead "aw, i missed you guys too. How are you feeling Lyn?" "Numb." "good. Oh um.. Cane this is my assistant Miranda and Miranda this is my husband Cane and my daughter Milyn Black." She extends her hand that I took in mine. Her hands are so soft and danty.. " an honor Mr.Black" "likewise." She goes to touch Milyn hand and she hides in my neck. "She's shy." "It's totally fine, Nice to meet you too Princess" She turns away from us. I restrained from looking at her ass so I focused on Yasmine. This is bad.. "Are these for me?" "You love white roses, seems like the ones I got you 2 weeks ago are dying" "They are.. thank you babe." "Going out for lunch?" "Actually I am, Cassie has something to tell me and I don't know what. She seems happy but off." "then i'm definitely going" "great, let me freshen up. come with mommy milyn so i can make you more milk." She comes out of my arms running behind Yasmine as they went in the bathroom with the milk. Leaving us two in the room. She sits on the couch with her legs crossed reading the papers. She's a beautiful woman, I can't deny that. "Your wife is amazing" she says placing the papers together putting them in folders. Every move she made seemed swift to me.. smooth. She licks her finger slowly, looking up at me making my heart jump. I look away to the bathroom door. "Yeah she is." "Your kids are beautiful as well, Mason looks just like you." "Yeah, my twin. You look familiar" " Do i?" She stands up slowly folding her arms taking small steps toward me. "Were you an assistant before?" "I was. For Peter Johnson" "Knew I seen your face before. You disappeared we were looking for you at the last gala." "Were you?" "You and Pete were inseparable." "You can say that, things have changed." "how so?" "I don't work for him anymore. I work for you." "Correct" Her words slithered out of her mouth like venom to my ears. She brings me in by the way it flows out of her mouth. Why was she here? What happened with her and Pete, they used to leave in the middle of the gala to have quickies to now she's working for me? What really happened? "If there's anything you need when my wife isn't available, you can contact me directly. my number is on her desk" She smirks nodding slowly "i'll make sure to do that." Her office door opens as the air thins between us "Whoa, is this my brother in the office?" I turn to Cassie hugging her. "Aren't you suppose to be home playing mommy?" "you're funny, she's in the bathroom with her mom." Cassie face falls as her eyes land on Miranda who's into her phone. "Miranda." "Good afternoon Miss Black." She gathers her papers walking past us and out the door, Cassie scoffs at her as she leaves. "What the hell did you do already?" "Something is off about that girl." "she's sure seductive" Cassie pinched my arm furrowing her eyebrows at me. "Don't you even sink into that bitches words. Don't let her curves or her .. whatever sink you in, you're happily married." "I know Cass, I would never cheat on Yasmine. She just.." "shut.. up." The bathroom door opens emerging Yasmine and Milyn. "Cassie great, your brother is joining us for lunch." "Yeah perfect. Let's go i'm starving. Hi auntie sick baby." "Hi aunt Cassie." "How's your mouth?"

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