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I slam bedroom door trying to gather my breathing. I needed to get myself together before I murdered someone in my home. How dare she come into my business and try to ruin my marriage, like she did Petes probably. I need to find out more about that as well. I need to know everything about that woman. This isn't just all on her. Cane stood there, engaging in the conversation, looking at her with the same sexual desire and yearn that he gives me. It was nothing but lust in his eyes. To know he's even looking at another woman like that.. drives me insane. If Cassie wouldn't have said what she did he probably wasn't even going to tell me they spoke in the first place. Which definitely means he's not going to tell me now. I brung the downstairs cameras up on my phone with audio.. yes we have this done so I could hear the kids when i'm doing work.

"You're hard, does your wife take care of that?" Cane moves away from her. "What's wrong with you? Do you feel no guilt for what you're doing right now? My wife is upstairs my kids are upstairs" "How would your wife feel that you have a hard dick for another woman other than her?" Miranda grips his shirt bringing her face close to his like she was going to kiss him. "Look at you, you want to kiss me. Huh." She chuckles letting him go. She grabs her bag off the chair, Cane mutters fuck under his breathe. I lock my phone throwing it on the bed. "son of a bitch." I close my eyes counting to 10 to calm myself down.

My bedroom door opens 30 minutes later as I'm sitting in a towel with wet hair staring out my window. I bite my lip to not go off on my husband for what I seen. Act clueless Yasmine, to see what happens. "Babe." "Yeah?" "Are you okay? You didn't come down to say bye to Miranda" "Tending to the kids, then I needed to shower. Did she enjoy herself?" "She did. She said thank you for inviting her." I chew on the side of my mouth keeping my eyes closed. "Anything else she say?" Cane pause gave off she said more than what he said. "Nothing, nothing at all." Disappointment is what I felt with his words as what I seen and heard replayed over and over in my head. "Great." He comes around to my side of the bed, tilting my head up by my chin making me look at him. "I love you." Of course Cane meant it. He is also guilty in this moment, he thinks I can't tell. I know my husband inside and out. "Show me." I whisper. He kisses me softly as he gets on top of me, wrapping his arms around me bringing me closer to him so I could feel his heart beat with mine. He grips my leg up digging his fingers into my upper thigh. In the middle of the sex I felt myself tearing up. I messed up sniffling and wiping my eye making Cane pick his head up. "why are you crying?" "i'm fine, just keep going babe." He pecks my lips then my neck continuing his strokes as I silently cried. He wasn't thinking about me while he was having sex with me, I could tell by how he's not even looking at me. He always looks at me, deep in my soul as we connect during it. This time? He did not, which means the hard dick she gave him he was giving to me, with her on his mind. What wife wouldn't cry because of that? When he finished I rolled over on my side while he caught his breathe. He leans up kissing my shoulder . "are you sure you're okay?" "yeah, i'm good babe. never better"

 never better"

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2 weeks later ..

Standing in the mirror I look at my ass in my dress for tonight's dinner. Ever since the first dinner Shane and I have been taking it slow as I'm rebuilding my trust for him. Tonight he is facing my dad after 16 years since his father's death. I hope all goes well. I haven't quite made it clear if he's my boyfriend or just Micah's father. I don't know what to call Shane. I'm battling with myself when i'm with him. To give my all or don't give even a little, but that's his fault. I'm expecting him to up and leave us. ME. again. There's never a happy life all around with us.

"Daddy!" Micah runs in Shane arms as he walks in wearing a very fitted dressed shirt not fully buttoned and red dress pants to match my dress. He got a shape up and his hair was shining from the moisture. His lips popped out most of all making me weak at how wet they were from him licking them. His tattoos showed from his shirt, pretty sure I drooled a little bit. God give me strength. "Ready to go?" He finally looks at me. His face lights up as he eyes me from head to toe. "Damn Cass.." "save the compliments, sexual thoughts and visual undressing for when we're not in front of our son please" "to late for the last one." He bites his lip "'mmm.." "Shane Carter, outside" Kissing Micah goodbye as he snuggles up to Mandy. We get in the car heading to dinner.

"Are you ready to see my father?" "I guess so." "Its not an I guess type of situation Shane, you've had this vendetta against my dad since your father died. Maybe tonight you two can talk." "What's it going to solve?" "Give you some type of closure, I don't know." He grunts getting out the car, as I see already how this night is going to go.

We enter the restaurant. Cane and Yasmine are already here, shockingly after what Yasmine told me she's holding herself together gracefully. Cane on the other hand? Should know better. My dad sees us waving down for Shane & I to come to the back. Shane stops walking causing me to. I turn to him seeing his eyes dilating, his pulse started to pick up as I grabbed his wrist. Pressing my hand on his chest I get close to his ear "calm down. I'm here for you. this will be okay" "I didn't know Jamie was going to be here" "she's apart of the family now, so yes she's here. Can you handle this?" "Yeah I got this." he walks around me heading to them table. Shane approaches the table seconds before I do. "Shane Carter" "Cane Black." looking between the both of them you can feel the tension. In the streets since His father's death the beef between them has been lethal. Of course my dad wasn't fond of finding out Shane is Micahs father but what am I to do? I fell in love. We sat down picking up the menus.
Then the conversations begin .

"How is it with Micah now that you're back?" My father asks giving Shane a look. A look of distaste. "Great, he's everything and more, my father would've loved him" "Hm, yeah he's a bright kid. Planning on staying?" "Why would I leave?" "Because that's what you do" and it begins. "Cane Black." My mother grabs him by the wrist. "What? I'm just speaking facts. He left our daughter in an emotional hole pregnant." "I didn't know she was pregnant." "and I told you that dad.." Shane sneaks his hand under the table squeezing my thigh. Making me look at me, seeing he's trying to control hisself. Jamie hasn't said two words to him nor looked his way since he walked in with me. "So you're just not going to say anything Jamie?" she wipes the side of her mouth with her napkin finally looking at Shane, her face? Blank. "What's there to say?" "A hello would be great" "Hello Shane, you happy?" "No because my own sister didn't even want to tell me she's married." "why would I? so you can bring your ex wife and her bastard child?" "someone been keeping tabs on me." "put down the bottle?" "stopped being a bitch?" she snickers as I look at Shane "stop it, right now." "calling your sister a bitch now?" "everybody please.." i plead. "she's the one who walked out on me, guess it runs in the family to walk away from people you love." "you were a ticking time bomb with a rich snob who had you by her wallet, I wasn't dealing with that." "don't speak on me being a runner when you're the same thing" "i don't run from nothing but negativity and you're negativity."

My head felt like it was starting to explode as they kept going back and forth. I felt my urges build up as I spoke "both of you shut the hell up! you are arguing like teenagers" Jamie stuffs her mouth with her salad. "Regardless of your issues dad and your issues Jamie with Shane, he's my son father. Fix it, don't have this negativity around my son." I move my seat up getting up getting my bag "Shane let's go, screw this dinner" "Cassie." Yasmine calls out to me. I give her the "not right now look" as we walk out. "that went as good as it could've went" i mumbled pushing through the doors. Shane starts pacing aggravated as he replays tonight's events in his head. Seeing him so worked up made me grab his hands. The electric feeling I felt touching his soft hands made me melt. "Calm down. please" "this was a mistake." "don't say that" "i.. love you Cassie but your family, my sister..I left New York because of this." "And you came back for Micah." "I came back for the both of you!" He says a little loud taking me aback. "What are you saying?" He sighs rubbing his face. "I can't stay here Cass, I got a whole life in Italy. I can't just drop all of it and come back here." "So you're just going to leave Micah?" "Why do you keep making this all about him?" "Because that's who this is about Shane!" "It's about you too! Us! I want you Cassie, I want my family.. with me." He cups my face staring me down in my eyes rubbing my cheek with his thumb "come with me, back to Italy."

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