Chapter Five

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Elena's POV

I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't find it in me. So instead, I looked outside the window at the passing scenery. It was refreshing, to see how the moonlight hit the trees at the perfect angle to shower them in even light to make them out. For a moment, I forgot everything that's happened. It didn't last though. It never does. 

It's like a circle. At some point, reality pours on you like cold water. I hate it. But it does have its perks. It makes you think back to your darker time, and you notice things that you did differently. Like your reaction; when my father got killed, I cried for days and didn't sleep nor eat. But now with a new death, I feel nothing at all. Everything is numb. I liked it better when I bear everything. When you sense everything, you know you're awake and not dreaming. 

I was glad my dork of a cousin didn't try to start a conversation. It let me battle my demons alone, the way I like it. But the radio did help keep the silence bearable. It was perfect. 

But time fly's when it's peaceful. We pulled up to a log mansion. Must be the pack house.

"Okay, because it's so late, you are going to sleep here in one of the guest rooms than in the morning, you'll go to our Aunt's place," Oliver, my cousin said. 

"Okay," I said sleep slowly gripping me. We got my suitcases and then went to an unoccupied room. I was too tired to look around and get my bearings. 

After he left, I unpacked my pajamas and then got under the covers.

It didn't take long for the nightmares to catch up to me. I saw the usual, Victor making threats and him killing my dad all over again. But now my mom's death joined. But something happened.

A bright white light flashed. But somehow I knew I didn't die. No, it was softer, homey. And then I heard my mother's voice. A sound I missed terribly. But it was off, and it was more like the voice my mother had when my father was alive. 

"Sweetheart. You are so brave. I love you."

"Mom," I started but couldn't finish. I had some many things to say to her that I didn't know which one was more important.

"Sweety, you'll meet someone important soon. Someone who will love as much as I love you if not more. But you have your father's stubbornness. Don't push him away. He'll bring friends to fight your foes. I love you, never forget that. Tell your aunt that I forgive her," she said. And again her voice changed. She became more serious — the type of mom that would explain the importance of your grades. 

I didn't get to answer her back before the light, and her voice disappeared utterly. After that, I had a dreamless sleep. Nothing but darkness.

Unfortunately, the car ride wasn't as peaceful as the one with Oliver. Instead, it was awkward and tense. I knew she wanted to say something and I her but we were both at a loss for words. 

"You're the spitting image of your mother," she finally broke the silence. 

"Yeah I've been told," I said to her. I felt bad for her. Her voice sounds so broken, and her voice creaked at the end of her sentence as well. "My mom had reasons to keep me hidden." 

Sadly, it was true. If Victor found out that my mother had family members she could send me too, he'd kill them. Better to lie and keep them safe then be honest and have them die.

"Lilin was always secretive even as a kid. But I guess the torture we put her through didn't help," she said. "I have complete faith that Lilian had reasons, she always did."

Again her voice cracked at the end. I wanted to comfort her and tell her that my mother was never angry at her. But I really can't say 'hey my mom came to me in a dream and said that she forgives her,' now can I. I hated this. 

I hate hiding things from people. I hate how if I let a single thing slip, they could be in danger. I hate how I put people's lives at stake by just living near them. I hate not letting people in. I want to let people in, but as I said, it's the circle of life. 

After that, no one dared speak. But we didn't need to. A cute little house came into view. It was homey, much more than the pack house. 

It was a light green with white trim and wooden shudders. There was a chimney that was made out of stone that took up half of the right side of the house. 

"Okay, thanks."

After that, we dispersed. I went upstairs, and sure enough, there were no other rooms up there. There was a small sitting room with built-in bookshelves. The bathroom was attached to the bedroom thank goodness. The bedroom had the necessities, a bed, dresser, nightstands and so forth. I'm glad Karen didn't decorate it. I could paint however color I wanted even though I'm leaving it be. I unpacked my bags and then went to take a very needed nap.

It was a bittersweet thing. I loved it here — the scenery and privacy. But I would be putting too many lives at stake if I stayed.

I hoped you enjoyed. Fair warning though, when school comes back in session which will be soon. I'm going to stop writing completely. I may write on breaks but unlikely. However, there is a very good chance that I forget about this story completely so, please comment to keep reminding me. And thanks for the votes on chapter four. I was so happy. I will also get Grammarly premium, and it will edit this even more so I will edit it.

Peace and love. 

p.s- I love comments and thanks for the encouragement, Jojo. ;)  

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