Chapter Forty-one

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This book is about to end. I am almost to the big huge fight scene that has a big plot twist and then after that, and then I'm done. I have about ten maybe eight chapters left. But do not frit, I'm about to write a new one. You have to wait until the summer. The cover is on top, and it will not have any supernatural beings.

Eric wasn't wrong. Eric did live with one of the smartest werewolves in the world. He was the elder that kept looking at me after the rogues came and attacked. I was stupid for not recognizing him, he' famous around the werewolf community. 

Lucas Forkle was one of the youngest werewolves ever to graduate college and become an elder. It didn't surprise me that he would have the answer to my problem. The thing is, he had two rooms filled with books that might help me. It would take me months to read all of this. Months we did not have.

And Lucas couldn't help me. So I was left alone with a coffee pot on a table. And that was it. I wouldn't get human interaction until I came out of that room. So I did what every other person would do, I turned my phone on to Spotify and listened to movie theme songs while I scoured books to see if they might have any information. 

Half of my playlist played, I was still at a lost. It was past two in the morning, and I was exhausted. The only reason why Eric hasn't broken down the door is that Lucus said that I couldn't be disturbed. And when I was about to turn the doorknob, a voice interrupted. A voice that I haven't heard in a long time. 

"Is the all mighty Elena giving up," my father said. "I thought I would never see the day that happened."

"Daddy," I tried to say anything other than that, but it was like my whole vocabulary jumped out the window.

"Hi pumpkin," his smile was still the same. Warm and inviting. "I would hug you, but I only have a certain amount of time. Your powers are telling you something. Elena, you can read every page in every book in here, but you still wouldn't get the answers you are looking for. You are running away from your problems. Sweety, you're powers were gifted to you for a reason. Even the darkest ones. Use them. Think, if you could be able to control the water in one person cells, you can do anything. You will find the answer you seek in the world where elk rest. I love. And tell your mate, if he ever hurts you, I'll haunt him."

And then he was gone. Like a cold wind. Leaving me alone, even more, empty inside. But I got up, and I opened the door, and I walked right up to Eric, and I hugged him. I clung to him like a second skin. And he did too.

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